Silversix Shoots Through Walls?

For some odd reason my Silversix has the ability to ignore obstacles
This can be quite troublesome because I can not shoot what I want to shoot.
This only seems to happen when I face West or East
For Example, on a Royal Jelly Run on Red Carpet stage, my Silversix can
aim at the blue block near the beginning
Like So
Now then, it does not always hit what it goes over to. In fact sometimes it does
not hit anything at all.
However, it CAN be used to create a shortcut
Now here is the odd problem, I asked other Silversix users if they had this bug.
They do not.
It is a possibility that is could be my computer, however, my computer specs are
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Intel Quad Core i7 1.73 GHz
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 425M, 1 GB VRAM
I don't understand why a computer as strong as mine has the ability
to be the only person with this bug.
Anyone have any thoughts?

I've used the Argent Peacemaker in the preview, and now I'm using the Silversix. In the early days when I got my Argent Peacemaker, I couldn't shoot through blocks, but a few days before the release, I began to shoot through breakables and blocks. I noticed this only happens when you fire it either left or right. I submitted a bug report, but nothing happened. Seems like I'm not the only one with this problem.
I've noticed that alchemer bullets sometimes pass through blocks when I aim with the keyboard. But when I switch to the mouse, bullets work just fine.