I'm really happy that the developers made this change. >Finally< we Skolver users can fight zombies >without< getting each time a hit from them (with weapons like the Divine Avenger or other heavy swords). Thank you very much Three Rings, I love you for this! :D Please keep up the great work.
Slower enemies (like zombies, ...) - my opinion

Great, now they just have to make every other enemy in the game just as easy, so that the [insert-gear-here]-users can run [insert-stratum-here] and just spamming the dangerously slow 2 strike combo of [insert-heavy-sword-here] without ever getting hit at all!
Single armor set users really have been neglected for too long >.>

I feel the same, minus the anger at OOO.
I believe most players have adapted to the range and zombie attack patterns. Its not like we stand around trading blows and ignore our shield. If you were one of the ones having problems pre patch, thats a bit sad.
Grats on your overnerf.

I agree with the general feeling that skellies, retrodes, and maybe even greavers, were a little harshly nerfed. I can 'easily' dodge multiple skeletons in close quarters now just by making them attacking a certain direction and moving. They look perma-stunned. I wish I stunned one just to lol at the ensuing 12 hour attack.
velc i stunned some zombos with stagger yesterday, but the effect wasnt as strong as ud expect

I agree with most here: The now dyslexic zombies are too easy. I have to admit though, the slower hits sometimes threw me off.

Zombies were easy in the first place! In my opinion, the T3 zombies have always seemed easier than the other Tiers (same goes for Wolvers)... I can't put my finger on why though...

Zombies were MEANT to be hard...it was the reason that Graveyards used to be one of the scariest floors to land on.
And by hard, I mean hard-hitting and deathy if they get by but it was seriously easy to kill them without taking hits anyways if you just timed it. After all, it is a twitch game, you're not SUPPOSED to just run up to them and attackattackattack, which I'm guessing is all you did if you "always got hit" by them.
Take your time, remember that the game is based around skill, not around how hard your sword hits. Stop demanding the game be made easier just becasue you suck.

I'm a skolver user and hit zombies fine before this patch. Don't always rely on the second hit, hit once then shield cancel.
It is easy enough to not get hit by zombies... Now it is a joke when I run circles around them.

I agree with most here: The now dyslexic zombies are too easy. I have to admit though, the slower hits sometimes threw me off.
Yes I too believe that the zombies and now sluggish since they're trying to read mail from Spiral HQ, and are having difficulty getting the words right.

I've really noticed the change to the now OCD Alphas. They're just too obsessed with going in straight lines to be much of a threat.

The now dyslexic zombies are too easy.
"Dyslexia is a very broad term defining a learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or comprehension accuracy in being able to read,..."
I don't think their attack accuracy has anything to do with their ability to read.

Boring fact, I can use full snarby armor in FSC with an ASI high Glacius and just combo way at zombies because they are too slow to hit me back. Guess I'll just keep spamming FoV charge without fire resistance since that is the only thing that can kill me in FSC now.. besides when we screw up at Vanaduke sometimes. >.>

What was cheap about zombies swap? It's normal you get punished if you pull out all of your DA/brandish combos and miss the last hit...I'm a Skolver user too, and it always has been my bad if a zombie swapped me and burned me. Actually even with MAX ASI you would still be punished if you're too greedy on your sword swings.
Now zombies are just pathetic.

The rotation nerf was okay on the Retrodes because they had a super-OP attack to begin with, especially in numbers.
Zombies, however, were little challenge already, and now with the new update, aren't really enemies anymore.

LOL... some comments here "glow" because of unfriendlyness in the text... I just wonder why are you complaining all? For an example, do you like it to work harder than before for the same (or less) money or do you like it to open a letter 4x times longer and harder because it's more fun? (harder = fun?) Seriously??? Fun because it's harder??? Hopefully the developers will not change anything into bad things because people don't want to spend keys on Shadow Lairs or something. I'm really proud that Three Rings solved many problems with the Clockwork enemies. I will probably purchase energy again because of this patch.

And I really thought that other games and companies have these... "unique" communitys.

Harder = fun? Seriously?!
...seriously? Take it you're one of these types who gets their kicks stealing sweeties from toddlers then, beacsue it's so easy? You like an office job beacsue you just sit and hang around all day doin' hee haw?
Naw, some people actually like a challenge. yes, harder monsters ARE more fun, becasue they're challenging. Otherwise..why have bosses? Or different enemies at all? Why not just a map full of scuttlebots, t1 difficulty, and they can't attack or move.
Fun, now?

To be honest, I can't really say what hasn't already been said. I will say that I'm not really angry with the update, just a bit disappointed. It's not a HUGE problem, but stuff like graveyards and wolver dens are a joke now. the "bugfix" on greavers annoys me too, I though that the status-through-shield was a special trait of greavers, not a bug. I though that's what made them so dangerous, an INTENTIONAL challenge to fighting them, not what is apparently a bug.

I just went through Snarbolax Shadow Lair without any energy revives. The undeads and wolvers were the usual ones to kill me but with this update. It's just a joke now. Barely any zombie touched me at all and it was basically easy to move away from the Alpha Wolver's bites. This patch has made several levels much easier than before.
In Firestorm Citadel, I killed every last zombie while smashing the attack button. I wonder how all those zombies felt when they couldn't scratch me. I just wonder what later patches they going to do.
-Nerfed Zombies
-Nerfed Wolvers
-Nerfed Retrodes
Nerf more monsters if you dare...
-Nerfed Jelly King
EDIT: It was fun being wiped out by slag guards. Just listed what was in patch notes. Didn't read much into the slag guards.

Nerfed Slag Guards
What by fixing their glitched hitboxes? Some of the nerfs were going too far, but this is grasping at straws.

I though that the status-through-shield was a special trait of greavers, not a bug. I though that's what made them so dangerous, an INTENTIONAL challenge to fighting them, not what is apparently a bug.
Same here; I always was terrified of Greavers, because they could move faster, attack often, and had an attack that ignored shields; in a group (especially with shock) they were just the scariest badasses in the game.
Altough, tbph I'm not too fussed about that; even with that fix a group of T3 shock greavers still kick my ass up and down the CW, but I always still htought it was the entire point of the breath/aoe attack they had.

that this guy bought a ton of CE with IRL money, sold it for a Skolver set and DA, and jumped to T3 without actually learning the game.
Of course harder is fun, no one likes a grind fest.

With RSS you can walk to a zombie, charge a bomb, place it on your feet and wait for it to attack himself over the bomb and die instantly. It gets really boring after a while...
I kinda like it that you dont HAVE to use the most OP weapons to beat enemies like a breeze but now the people with OP stuff are having it way too easy :P

Metagenic wrote:
I can tell that this guy bought a ton of CE with IRL money, sold it for a Skolver set and DA, and jumped to T3 without actually learning the game.
Of course harder is fun, no one likes a grind fest.
Yes, I supported this nice game with money. But I created all equipment by myself, and of course I KNOW the game. In my eyes you are disqualifying yourself by saying "no one likes a grind fest". How much did you run Firestorm Citadel? I almost 100 times (it feels like that), and it's totally boring to play the same area, with the same objects, same ways, same challenges and same enemies again and again and again and again (I wish the boss stages would be created by random). But I only play that for the much crowns there (many friends of me too, they are totally tired of playing FSC, but they need the crowns), so I really like it that the zombies are easier now. Maybe you understand me after you played that location more than 100 times.

Darkbrady wrote:
..seriously? Take it you're one of these types who gets their kicks stealing sweeties from toddlers then, beacsue it's so easy? You like an office job beacsue you just sit and hang around all day doin' hee haw?
Naw, some people actually like a challenge. yes, harder monsters ARE more fun, becasue they're challenging. Otherwise..why have bosses? Or different enemies at all? Why not just a map full of scuttlebots, t1 difficulty, and they can't attack or move.
Fun, now?
Seriously, it would be something new if there would be a map of scuttlebots (I like new content :D). And if people like challenges, then they can try buying shadow keys, because that is the first real challenge before starting a shadow lair *lol* Maybe some people would even suggest to double the energy revive cost because it would be "more fun"... I'm sure that this will come if someone is bored.

They nerfed the zombies to death.....

They nerfed the zombies to death.....

they needed to nerf fiends before they nerfed the skellies....am i right? :U

they needed to nerf fiends before they nerfed the skellies....am i right? :U

If you were hit while using divine avenger, then you were using it wrong. I NEVER get hit by zombies when using that!!!

I've played FSC 50 or so times. I still enjoy the challenge of it, even if I know what's coming and can quickly eliminate things that would otherwise be threats. I also enjoy killing a screw ton of zombies. Making the zombies easier hasn't made it any more fun. Quite the opposite, because now FSC is starting to become like Jelly. And if you've ever run Jelly with me, you know that I intentionally do ridiculous things to make the run harder for lulz and entertainment (and most of said things make the run go faster). Without doing that the entire run is incredibly dull and mindless. The problem with FSC is that there really isn't anything you can do to make it harder and faster. So it's more of an utterly mindless grind then it ever was, with rooms like the one with the four switches in the four corners and the key in the middle just mindbogglingly easy even hitting all four switches at once. This isn't fun.
I don't usually grind. I will do repetitive profitable tasks if they are fun for me to do. When I run FSC it's because I feel like running FSC, not because I want to make 200 CE and that's my best option. If I didn't feel like running, I'd probably just buy CE instead. Basically, for the large number of us who play this game because we enjoy every single second of duking it out with monsters in the Clockworks, this update has made things less fun. If you play for any other reason, then perhaps you should consider switching to a different game,
You ever thinked a lil before just blidly applauding OOO for what they made? Seriosly, what will be next? Maybe they will nerf monsters to just stand still?
"I'm really happy that the developers made this change. >Finally< we Proto users can fight zombies >without< getting each time a hit from them (with weapons like the Proto Sword or heavy Hatchet sword). Thank you very much Three Rings, I love you for this! :D Please keep up the great work."
This just shows even more that recent update made by OOO wasnt made to make gaming experience better for ALL PLAYER, but it meet with approvment of a certain group of players.
While there is a lot of suggestions on forum, to make game better without favouring any group of players, OOO decides to do stupid things like that.