I'm a pure bomber and I'm really feeling it.
Now, I know bombs aren't as good 1v1 as swords. I also know that swords pretty much obliterate as 1v1 weapons, and their damage output is nothing to laugh at. Sword users can fight almost independently—but it seems like sword users think this independence makes them superior to bombers. It starts with the newbs, who don't know better than to whack enemies wherever they see them. But when you're playing with people who are already equipped for T2 and even T3, it's kind of frustrating to see that your team doesn't have an ounce of teamwork, and it's even worse to set a bomb only to see your other three party members jump into the blast radius and knock everything out of it with one huge charge attack.
And it doesn't just end at horrible teamwork. Not only are bombers ignored as damage dealers in parties; they're also frowned upon and discriminated. I can't count the number of times I've been told that a sword is stronger than bombs, and that I'm useless because I'm weak. I've argued with guildies about my usefulness as a bomber, and I've even been kicked out of a Royal Jelly run because I choose not to use a sword.
This doesn't actually bother me, but I find it rather interesting how elitist sword users can be. I'm intrigued by WHY the SK community seems to think this way. So, here are some questions to spark discussion:
Do you use, or have you used bombs?
Do you think swords are more useful than bombs?
As a swordsman, do you normally fight independently or do you put a solid effort to incorporate teamwork into your battles?
Do you see pure bombers/gunners as a viable Knight path?
Do you think that pure bombers (and even pure gunners) are in some way inferior to someone using a sword?
Answer honestly. :)
I have used bombs. However, I currently don't because
of small amount of weapon slots and I'm trying to get recipes for upgrades first.
Swords are indeed more powerful than bombs imo, however, bombs are
a nice support to have.
Freezing Vaporizers of the Haze Bomb line are a nice example, freeze the enemies,
Charge a Sword, and use on the frozen enemies.
Naturally, I would fight independently while using a Sword, however I would try to aim
away from my teammates so that the enemies does not hit them when I knock the enemy away
I seen quite a few pure Bombers and Gunners, they obviously know how to use those
weapons better than most other people
If used correctly, bombs and guns can be superior than a sword, for instance,
those annoying Arenas that for some odd reason noone seems to survive in,
Bombs and Guns are the nice choice as you can circle around and not get hit.