I hate it when someone kicks you out of a party for no reason... You got energy you got good equips and bam they say screw u dude. Why do people do this?

If you need a party that badly then return to Haven and try again. Otherwise, go solo and wait for people to join. There is usually a reason they kicked you. They don't need to explain it to you, though.

I have never fought with anyone. but they are always dumb to kick.

they are always dumb to kick.
As if you have never kicked someone, ever.
There is usually a reason they kicked you. They don't need to explain it to you, though.

They feel intimidated by your awesome.

i agree with Paweu and i always make another party again.. just a hassle

sorry, I read title as Knickers.....moving on.

I have never kicked anyone unless they did something wrong and I gave them warnings. but these guys just kick for no reason they wanna screw u over

It's probably nothing personal, people forget to lock the party and are waiting for their guildies or friends, on the other hand a party leader needs no reason to kick anyone from the party and as Dirt said, is not obliged to give you one. Anyway, add me as a friend and i'll take you on a run or two and let you know if there is a reason for people kicking you for no reason.

If you care so much about people kickin' randoms from THEIR party then...make your own party. No one's gunna be kickin' you from that. Simple as that.

ok this topic can go to the graveyard now get to work GMS

Some people are ***holes
Or just too lazy to LOCK PARTY.
I had a guy blasting annoying loud sax music over the mic, and when I complained, he kicked me. What a jerk.

Fail. This is why you should use Steam.

well the people you were talking about probably forgot to lock their party, which they either attempt to solo or reserve it for their friends or guildies.
Are you talking about before you've started fighting with them? I've always suspected that people are just really dumb and can't figure out how to lock parties.