No offence,but im better troll...
Goodbye Jim Dale.
My swag pwnz..
regarding jim dale

I am a better troll my actual swag trolls :3

Um, you sound like a Russian Dictator now...
Not that I have anything against Russians, just the name sounds Russian, and the 'HEIL [Insert name here] doesn't help...

Ha Nekinovi you couldn't troll yourself. Like I said earlier go and crawl back under your rock.

There's a difference between trolling and making a fool of yourself.
The line between the two is very VERY thick.
Heil is German, not Russian.

The name sounded Russian to me.
Ignorant is ignorant I guess ><

This just had to be the first thread that I had to see today.

Zim-Zale is offended that Nekinovi would ever think that Nekinovi is a better troll than the Jim-Dale Family.
Zim-Zale is sleepy.
Zim-Zale and Voldemort for president 2012.

I believe in the saying "The world would be a better place if Jim-Dale ruled it".

Canned-Bread is offended and believes Nekinovi should be fed to John McCain.

OP is actually failing at being a troll, how pathetic is that?

Easiest way to fail at trolling:
-call self troll, and announce it.

Can we stop making stupid spam/meme threads? Why isn't this in gremlin chatter?

Not-Jim-Dale thinks Jim-Dale should rip Nekinovi's arm off.

@Nekinovi: Congratulations, you have made a Jim-Dale tribute thread.
I don't consider either of the two here a troll, they don't do anything trolls do.
Sometimes I feel like this community doesn't even know what a troll is.

This made me laugh so much.
I think Jim-Dale, troll or not, makes better threads and posts.
"@Nekinovi: Congratulations, you have made a Jim-Dale tribute thread." ~Melisan
Lemme tack on something...
@Nekinovi: Congratulations, you have made a Jim-Dale tribute thread... And have become the new 'He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named'

Where did 'Xeirla' come from?
And he certainly IS. AT least there isn't the massive spam of single word topic threads anymore.
- I think.
- Or is there?
- I'm wondering?
- Can someone tell me please?
Not-Jim-Dale thinks that Nekinovi is a terrible troll.
Not-Jim-Dale thinks that Jim-Dale should be offended that anyone this lame said Jim-Dale's name.