So we all know that certain materials have a higher demand than others, like nobody's going to cry over picking a piece of warp dust or a trojan horseshoe. On the other hand, there's materials whose high abundance drives down prices on the AH but which are still required to craft highly popular gear, like Gel Drops, Ecto Drops and Scrap metal.
But what of unloved materials? Ones which are relegated to only crafting the crap gear that nobody wants? For the sake of this discussion we'll exclude the Zee Core since it has its own novelty value.
My nominations: Toxic Core, Cooling Cell, Fuel Canister, Power Cell, Waste Module, Nightshade
Send me all your Cooling Cell, Fuel Canister, and Power Cell plox.They're used in alchemers, which I'm kinda rage-crafting, if making two a day counts. 8|
As for unloved mats, I have no idea, actually. I don't notice mat drops too much...