So, I thought about this while I was spending 150 CE on revives in a danger room: what with the latest patch making the Clockworks a cakewalk, I wish to propose the following solution to rectify this problem:
1) We do away with Zombies and Retrodes altogether. Where they would normally spawn, have Giant Lichen Colonies and Trojans spawn in their stead.
2) To compensate for the subsequent lack of enemies that possess a vulnerability to elemental damage, we double up on Spookats and Gun Puppies.
3) Add at least one T3 Rocket Puppy to each room.
4) Set a time limit for each depth, preferably in the vicinity of two minutes.
5) The pickup of crowns, heat, materials, tokens, equipment drops, vitapods, and vials should inflict status effects.
Keep in mind that this should only be implemented should reverting to the good old state of pre-January patch prove impossible.
Oh, sweet, sweet satire. +1