Here are a couple questions to consider. I have fallen under the impression that the gap between the rich and the poor in SK is ridiculous to say the least, and wealth is distributed under the 99% and 1% scale (if you don't know what that is, look at the American economy >_>). This is my analysis on the economy.
Disclaimer: I am expressing my opinion here. Feel free to disagree and express your own opinion.
What do you consider wealthy?
-Originally I would say someone who has a couple thousand CE. 4k, 5k, 10k = Wealthy. UNTIL I realized I had friends with 50k CE. And people with 150k CE. And people with 6 mil CR. I consider myself poor once I can't afford a 5* recipe, so under 25k CR (not counting CE). And yes, I've been there MANY TIMES.
What are the economical classes of SK?
-The way I see it, we have the elite wealthy class of spiral yuppies who holds the majority of our wealth in CE, CR, excellent UVs, rare accessories, etc. Then there is the hard-working middle class crown farmers who holds typically a fair amount of CE (under 20k) and is constantly recycling the CE into crafts or into the clockworks. Unfortunately, that CE gets spent quickly, and the middle class is always farming profitable runs (FSC or JK) for more CR, which they possibly use to purchase CE. And then, there is our lower class floor scrubbers of SK who possibly aren't skilled enough to successfully farm the profitable runs and probably own few or no 5*.
-So there we have the three classes: the yuppies, the farmers, and the floor scrubbers. I consider myself to be part of the proud backbone of SK farmers, who makes a modest living off playing the clockworks but does not have enough to enjoy luxuries like rage-Punching or rage-reviving.
Who pays to play?
-Yuppies. How else does one acquire mass wealth without bringing out the wallet? Not to say there aren't exceptions with extremely lucky crafts and long time players who have accumulated wealth through the mass inflation of the economy.
-Farmers. I think a sizeable portion of farmers have paid some out of pocket. Nothing excessive, but enough to speed up the process of obtaining 5*. Many of us have felt frustrated with how hard it is to get 5* without dedicating a lot of time to gameplay. The farmers who have not paid to play at one point have had to succumb to endless grinding of the clockworks (fun, but repetitive after a while).
-Floor scrubbers. They pay for the same reason as the farmers, or probably lose interest in the game before they even pay.
Is there hope for upwards social mobility?
-Yes and no. Floor scrubbers can become farmers. I consider farmers to be players with some versatility, who can adapt to different stratums and probably play primarily T3. Versatility is the line between the floor scrubbers and the farmers (and farmers are generally more experienced players). But, can farmers become yuppies? It is a huge jump upwards to wearing the Rolex and driving the Maserati. I'm being silly x) but the gap is quite large!
My questions for you: Tell me! Are you a yuppie, a farmer, or a floor scrubber? What's your analysis? What do you think can be done?
TL;DR Version: AHHHHHdsjflksdaj the SK economy is dying!@!$ Help!
Anyway, hope you enjoyed the analysis and that it made you think.
IGN: Owletlover