Alright, after reading a million forum posts and going through the wiki loads (which seems to be a bit sparse of info about some of the equipment), I'm thinking I might have to change the gear route I'm going down (for the second time, last time I just did it off of reading the wiki)
At the mo I'm using:
Dusker Coat
Elemental Hood
Brute Jelly Shield
End game I wanted to have a Divine Avenger, so I figured Vog Cub Coat to get a little extra speed, Divine Mantle to protect a bit against shadow damage (and extra elemental) and cover some other status effects, royal jelly shield because its good enough, not conflicting mats from anything else and when active gives me at least 1 thing that'll help against piercing damage (though i've since learned basically nothing does peircing damage). Then for my gun either level my magus to an Iron Slug or hopefully get the drop to level up a Sentenza. (and yeah, I know most people have 3 or 4 but I'm super poor and the idea of spending 250 energy on a weapon slot that's only open for 30 days makes my cry a little).
However, seems like everyone's rolling with vog cub everything ... also, I figured it might be better to get vog cub cap and then the radient silvermail because that would protect against all 4 possibilities and add in a little undead extra damage... but not really sure *how* much it's worth swapping this stuff around.
Also, everyone and their brother seems to be running around with stone tortoise shields ... which seems strange to me because the omega shell doesn't have *that* much more health than others and has no special or status resists. Also, since I have learnt that nothing does piercing damage it makes the jelly shield line seem less of a good choice and that owlite would make more sense... *sigh*
Also, I saw someone talking about liking the callahan because the charge up shot is real long range and good for sniping. The reason I wanted Iron Slug is that I HATE that my magnus does piercing damage because the thing you want to gun the most is those damn gun puppies, which are resistant to piercing... so what's the deal? I guess because the avenger does elemental damage I could just try to use that (if/when I get one) to deal with GPs?
Was thinking about leveling up a bomb (esp. as Haze bombs are only 1* so you could make a few cheaply until you got a decent UV) as some kind of fire bomb ... a) because fire is a baaaaaaad thing and b) beacuse gun puppies are weak to elemental so i could run by, drop it off and leg it and hopefully have less issues with them ... but people are saying deep down in T3 fire bombs are useless ... which makes me think more of upgrading a blast bomb and keeping it normal, but then seems a waste to have a bomb that inflicts no status condidtions. And I really wouldn't want to waste a bomb on something like poison ... although I get that'd be mega useful for the jelly king... and then again mean's I'd have to get another weapon slot.
Anyway, I'm sat here at work unable to play and just hitting refresh on the forums to see if anyone is talking about anything interesting and figured I might as well get a few lovely people to weigh in on this.
I'm not really sure why everyone says T2 is so sustainable I think that's only really true if you go below the junction in T2 ... which unfortunately I rarely do because I find it so hard to get a decent group ... every time I've joined a party it's been a waste of 10 energy, normally (not cos the guys suck or anything, just like people chilling around recipe dudes and the such, or one guy who's pretty much done with his run). So I pretty much never join a group just create a closed one then open it once I'm past moorcroft (cos I know how annoying it is to pay 10 energy to end up in moorcroft) ... but rarely you'll get a big crew joining. So yeah I can solo down to the junction without any probs (though hate those gun puppies and that my gun is weak to constructs and slimes, which u see the most ... man, beast levels are sooooo nice) but after there it's a bit tricky and I think it's only just sustainable up to there. Basically I just meant to write I'm poor as hell so don't really wanna have to change all my equipment too much (the other day I saw the ash tail coat recipe at the vendor, noticed I had all the mats to upgrade mine = happy, then noticed I had 2K and needed 12 = sad, hahaha). I'm not complaining about being poor, hell I should just buy energy in that case, but I like the feeling of actually working for stuff ... but just saying I want to minimise messing around with changing equipment unless it's a really good idea.
Right this is massive~~~ ... sorry, take it as a sign of my boredom ... I'll be quite impressed if anyone reads all of the above.
P.S. is the chance of getting a sealed sword and antigua to drop basicall nothing? (I saw a guy wrote he got one from a green box, props to that man). Should I just be trying to get my hands on like 50 jelly tokens? ... e.g. kill the jelly king like 13-17 times XD
I made my Tortoise cuz its cheap to make and gets me through T3 req easily.
I think i want a volcanic shield instead later on.