I hope it's okay if I share this story, if not I'll remove the post.
Well I was in a full group the other day. One guy, who we'll call Bob, was pretty much 4-5* gear -- well beyond the gear needed for RJP. The other guy, who we'll call Billy was pretty much at the same gear level as me -- 2-3* gear. Well, we had just finished a graveyard and I assume Billy decided to use a health capsule due to low health, not to mention a few along the way. He apparently had some remedy capsules as well and for giggles I guess he spammed them for fun.
Well Bob wasn't too thrilled about this and yelled at him for doing it. I was confused about the remedy capsule part, unsure what he could have used the capsules for (maybe a stun? maybe just to make the animation go off?). I ignored it at first and we went to the next level, a deconstruction zone. Well my group was having a hard time here as well.
Again Bob gets mad, "I will kick you Billy if you waste anymore health capsules and remedy capsules." To which me and the other person in the group were confused. "What's your problem?" I asked, "What's going on?"
"Billy is wasting health and remedy capsules. I'm using a Faust (or GF, I don't know which he had) and it curses me and I need those remedy capsules and health capsules because of the curse!" Ok, maybe he sort of had a reason to be mad? Well then Billy grabs a health capsule that drops off a mob he killed. Bob eventually hits his breaking point and kicks him by the time we get to the Clockwork Tunnels.
Now, I don't know about you, but I think "bob" was just a bit too mad that day. And admittedly, for a Faust/GF user, I don't think I've ever seen someone cursed so much as he was. Every time I checked on his status, he always seemed to be running behind the rest of us and waiting for his curse to wear off. I have no interest in the weapon thus far, but I thought the curse was inflicted from the charge. I asked him whether it was swing based or charge based and he didn't say anything.
Was Bob's reason justified? I can't say much about the remedy capsule part because I never saw it, I know he used some Health Capsules though...
my point of view, bob was just on his rag that day, yes the charge attack is the only way to curse yourself, and the other thing is im not sure how many weapon slots he had, but if you have 4 slots, 2 of your 4 weapons are only cursed at any time, and its usually no more than 3 of your 4 vials that get cursed. so when you curse yourself switch to a non cursed weapon and swing away. By the sounds of your story he sounds like a wanna be know it all noob. The 2nd swing of a faust/gran faust will have a chance of cursing your enemy but not yourself as well. And if bob had remedys and they were cursed when he used them he did more damage to himself by using a remedy than just switching to a diff weapon and fighting. Yes ive seen people use hp pods when they shouldnt, but like you said that was rjp, i mean come on how hard is it really? just educate the guy a bit if he listens great, if not oh well but i dont see a reason to up and kick. I think kicking should be party voted (yes that means OOO implement voting for kick) not just the leader can kick then cause whole party to be restricted...just my point of view.