I already have the Blackened Crest (working on Crest of Almire) and the Barbarous Thorn Shield. Is there a better one to stand up to his boss battle? I've seen people use the Volcanic Plate Shield and the Grey Owlite Shield, but I kinda don't want two shields that cover the same type. However, 5* shields are very limited. If I want a shield that has neither piercing, shadow, fire, or shock resistance, my only choices are:
Ancient Plate Shield (defeats the point)
Heater Shield (might be good elsewhere but not here)
Omega Shell (Bleh)
In fact, there really are VERY few combinations of shield. For example there are no 5* shields that protect against:
Shadow and anything besides normal
one pure type other than Normal
More than 2 status types
Stun + anything but fire and sleep
shock and ANYTHING
poison and anything but freeze
Maybe instead of more swords, the next update could use more shields.
Anyway, sorry to get off-track, but what shield should I get for FSC, and should I even bother getting an elemental resistant shield if it's just going to have the same status resist? And is the dragon scale shield really that bad?
If you can do FSC good enough to get a Blacken Crest I dont see why you need a new one.
Dragon Scale IS that bad. I remember someone said it breaks in like 2 T3 gun puppy shots