Players in SK have always held huge protests and written raging diatribes at every significant update. It’s a tradition in MMOs. The Auction House, PvP, Shadow Lairs, ect- Many of the best known names in SK have threatened to quit unless these features were rescinded or drastically altered, sometimes starting massive protests against them by sheer virtue of their reputation. But in my opinion, (and this is my editorial) the updates were only an excuse for some older players to leave, while many of the most vehement opposers of these updates have shown themselves to be flaming piles of hypocrite (Or wonderful, crafty trolls) immediately after the implementation of said update. The opposition of these elite to changes is intuitive: The rich and powerful want things to stay as they are.
The reasons behind ragequitting Spiral Knights this time seem to be revolving around how easy this new patch makes the game, meaning that it’s too difficult for established players to show their superiority. Established players tend to buy a regular amount of CE each month or so, forming a strong pillar of the SK economy. The most wealthy and well-known ones (Magnus, Romasanta, Biznasty, Aecarus, Chris, ect…) are known by pretty much everyone. So established players are vital, and them quitting would suck for all involved with the game. Why the concern with not being able to show how awesome one is? Because it feels as if all the money spent and skills gained are useless if the enemies no longer warrant these investments. Lack of challenge sucks fun out of a game. Also, it’s hard to validate the major time and financial commitment to a game when any 5 star can solo an endgame boss stratum.
But new players also purchase a huge amount of CE as well, and are a huge factor in the economy. As evidence I present the Steam release: It happened and prices went from 7.5k to 5k in a week. That’s a lot of freaking CE. SK is fundamentally a multiplayer game, and without new players, the core playerbase of elites will slowly erode due to the attraction of other games, changes in lifestyle, and death by shark. Players simply leave the game and don’t come back, which is why items such as the 1st gen tabards are so rarely seen today. Spiral Knights also needs new players to buff the egos of veterans, because nothing validates a hardcore’s efforts like a flock of noobs.
What attracts noobs? Well, what attracted me to SK (Back when there were two bosses, two) were the details. The little clockwork gears in the top-right, the resident population of snipes, the pipes running through Haven, the beauty of simple objects like coins and heat, animation of bullets, breathtaking backgrounds, satisfying combat - I stayed as a noob in T1 for months, because I thought the game couldn’t possibly get better in T2. The experiences that remain with you after a game is over are a large part of what keeps you coming back - My first danger room I completed solo in full proto gear, perpetually at 1 hp as I kited around the room shooting down wave after wave of jellies, finding a solitary heart or health pot just often enough to stay alive. After that, I was sold. Everything in a game comes together for moments like those: Music, unique monsters, sfx, that ‘last stand’ effect where you’re left with a single health pip, a stormy background, they all interact to make moments that keep beginners craving more. Here was the game that I’d wanted to play ever since I was a little snot growing up on Pokemon Gold. Detail and quality of design were what were drew me in.
In terms of detail, this patch fixed a lot. Yes, the monster bugs did make the game harder, but in a fake, unfair way that turned off beginners. Infinitely dodging goblins looked ridiculous and obviously bugged, and the freaking Retrodes would kill you the moment they spawned. Yes, that was difficult. It wasn’t fun. I wondered why the devs didn’t fix these mistakes, and I guess they simply didn’t know. Disappointing. Aside from the Lumbers attacking through walls, a lot of the bugs were fixed, or at least noticed. To micro for a bit, I think they nerfed zombies a bit too much with attack speed and direction locked, and maybe giving the Alphas a limited turning radius instead of making them attack in a straight line would have been a better idea. Anyway, this patch? It fixed the game and because it’s easier now is a stupid reason to quit. You may complain as you will.
These balance issues will get fixed over time as the dev team is great at listening to the community, and the game will be that much better for this patch in the end. There are still huge balance issues for gunners, as well as currently useless pieces of equipment to deal with, but all in time.
To the future,
*Flock of noobs should link here:
Aga can't do HTML
I don't HATE the patch. I like how the things were nerfed, I just think that may have gone a little far with some of them.
In short, it made some enemies too easy. But if I heard about this patch and OOO had decided NOT to use it, I'd be disappointed.
I like the changes, just some went a bit far.