I know we've made threads on the things we want to appear in the auction house before, but, I mean, c'mon! I've never head people express a desire for different kinds of glasses, much less these round shades that SK keeps putting up for sale in the AH. There are so many other accessories we'd like to have a chance to buy, such as prismatic mohawks, parrying blades, wolver tails, etc. Feel free to comment or list what you'd like to buy here.
Round Shades in the auction house again!?!?!

We need two seperate FEATURED entities.
Featured Auctions
Featured Items
Featured Auctions: the random, cool, auctioned items that come up from time to time such as we have been getting. (divine, volcanic, prism elites like bomb bandos, mohawks, wings, halos, auras).
Category: the old standard auction house for players to sell and buy other players gears. Just as it is now.
Recipe: the recipe thread, just as it is now
Featured Items: Items that have a b/o only price. Round shades, masks, rose regalia, scissors blades. These could just be up non-stop always for sell, instead of "randomly" being put up over and over and over in quantities of 5.
Make "Rare" items a little more rare. Sheesh. There are enough items we never get, and too many "super rare" we are getting over and over. Please don't put up divine wings right after.....divine wings. Divine halo x2 followed by divine halo followed 2 days later by another divine halo. Can we keep some of these prestigious items a little more rare and prestigious? It would be more than enough to see approx once per month 15 individual 2 day auctions to cycle through.
1. Divine halo. prism halo. volc halo.
2. Divine mohawk. prism mohawk. volc mohawk.
3. divine bomb bando, volc bomb bando, prism bomb bando
4. Twinkle Aura, fire aura, unclean aura, twilight aura
5. Divine side blade, prismatic side blade volc side blade.
6. Divine, prism, volc wolver tails.
7. Divien, prism, volc, vertical vents
8. Divine, prism, volc parrying sideblades
9. Old rose regalia: red, black, white
10. 2nd edition: gold, blue, green
11. Prismatic com unit, mounted display, mech'tennas, goggles
12. Prism, divine, volc scarves
13. all other wings
14. all other parrying side blades
15. Divine, prismatic, volcanic "Proto Crests"
16. All other "Proto Crests"
17. Divine, prism, volc Vitakits.
18. All styles of dapper combos
19. All styles of mustaches and toupes
20. Full color change pallet!!
21. triple UV rolling ticket x10 (if bids are low could get for cheaper than punch and vice)
21. Double and single UV ticket x 10
22. 1-5* unbind tickets x 10 (10 of each)
23. Shock + toxic + luv bombhead masks
25. All non-rare bombhead masks
26. any other rare bombhead masks
27. blue, green, orange, red Plasmatech suits
28. Black Vitasuit deluxe, pink vog/skolver, white fencing jacket
29. ground breaker helm and armor
30. Mewkat helm + darkfang shield
31. Official Sherriff's badge for all those wannabe gunners :)
32. ?????
There. there are 30 idea. most of them pretty strong. A few weak ones in there. But if these 20-30 were randomly put up once per month--month and half, eventually everyone could get what they wanted, everything would be rare, and everything would be prestigious. This would be better than posting and reposting the "Big ticket" items.
yes, thats a long list. BUt i typed it all out just to show that i'm not asking them to put more time and effort into it than i am willing to on my own accord. So not only am i pointing out the problem, i am pointing out the easiest, simplest, and most logical solution i can come up with...in 15 seconds.

in my zeal to post what i consider a good solution, i may have buried the lead.
Two forms of "Featured" in the auction house.
#1: standard featured Auction
#2: an all purpose always open shop to be found in Auction house. But serves as a "retail store" rather than parading around as some sort of false auction house.
More Auras, Dapper Combos, Parrying Blades, and things like that would be nice. Not that I want to buy any of those things, it's just that I've seen enough Round Shades, Wings, and Wolver Tails to last me a while. At least regular Glasses for a change of pace.