I was just wondering what the Spiral plate set goes good with and what its down falls and good things about it. so feel free to comment. :D
also I was wondering, is the Wyvern set and shield good armor too? cuz that would really help... Thank You.
I was just wondering what the Spiral plate set goes good with and what its down falls and good things about it. so feel free to comment. :D
also I was wondering, is the Wyvern set and shield good armor too? cuz that would really help... Thank You.
Like Asukalanforum said, this belongs in the Arsenal.
Anyway, on-topic.
Spiral Plate-line armour is pure normal up until you hit 5*, making them somewhat dangerous to use in Tier 2 and 3. At 5*, you can choose between Ironmight and Volcanic, both of which provide insane Normal defence along with decent Piercing (if you chose Ironmight) or Elemental (if you chose Volcanic) defence. The only downside is the decreased attack speed, but you can cover that up with modules and unique variants. Volcanic armour provides an additional resistance to Fire, which makes it handy for Firestorm Citadel among other areas. As far as the shields are concerned, the Volcanic Plate Shield appears to be just an Ancient Plate Shield with Fire resistance, as it has pure Normal defence and no Elemental despite that the armour provides Elemental defence.
Drake Scale-line armour is useless in Tiers 1 and 2 and only applicable in Tier 3 under the condition that you don't take physical damage. Normal-type attack tears through it, making it a pure gunslinger's armour.
thank you for telling me. but I don't really know how to delete a post.
I was also wondering what weapons to go with because that is very important me... Thank you.
Just click the edit button at the top and you can move section on the post.
Spiral plate is a defensive set, and it's not a bad pick if you want good defenses. It doesn't focus on any specific weapons or type of weapons so you can basically go with anything.
The sheild is good, but not much else other than the 5* versions. If you want a more well-rounded sheild, use omega shell (from drake sheild).
Drake/wyveren/dragon armor is good, but not on it's own. Mix it with a angelic/seraphic/valkyrie peice. Gives you even amounts of all 4 defenses, posin and curse from the angelic armor, and you get beast and feind bonuses, that work very well with the pure-peircing flourish.
Wrong section. Move to arsenal. If you dont know, go to New Recruits section and find a guide how to move topic to another forum.