When a player is shooting their gun as rapidly as possible at one or a few enemies, I've heard other players complain about gun spamming. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Do they expect the player to pause between single shots or what? Is there such a thing as "sword spamming" then too?
WTH is "gun spamming" anyway?

Uh.. depends on the situation as well. If it's a Mecha Knight rush and you have an ally surrounded by the enemy, it's more beneficial not to shoot at the horde of enemies as they will shield against your attack. That shielding motion prevents your ally's shield bump from working, trapping and leaving your ally to die.

Spamming means uncontrolled rapid attack: spraying bullets everywhere, swinging your sword wildly, dropping bombs everywhere, etc. In contrast, a disciplined player often does not simply attack as fast as he can, but rather times his attacks to exploit enemies' AI, to work around teammates, etc.
Presumably the term comes from e-mail spamming; the analogy is clear, I hope.

Shooting indiscriminately at dodging enemies (devilites, wolvers, chromas, gremlins) or shielding enemies (mechaknights) can be very irritating for the rest of your group. Similarly using guns with knockback (polaris, supernova, valiance) poorly can likewise be counterproductive.
I think you have got Polaris spam mixed up with gun spamming, as you'll know polaris spam is pretty annoying.