I survive through any gate in t1-t2,but today i went to a stage call:candle something(which the stage is all dark and full of some kind of dark ghost which you cant kill it).So my question is how everyone survive through that dungeon?i can normally survive but the dark ghost kill me in 2hit..T_T...
How you survive really?O.O
And you can pick up fireballs from respawning tiles to throw onto unlit candles to light them.
You went to Candlestick Keep and the big black cats are called Grimalkins. They bite hard especially if you don't have any shadow resistance.
It cannot be blocked or killed, so run while you can! And fight only in lit areas.
mostly everyone hates that depth, it may take a liitle longer to do if u need to run back if ur being swarmed, you just have to kill the small mobs while one of the party keeps the lights lit
Sounds like you don't know the basics of Candlestick Keep. The giant dark cats that rise up out of the ground can not be killed and their attacks can not be blocked (as Yeriq said). You can shield bump them a little, but they will bit straight through your shield like its not there. They can not enter the light, so the candles are your friend. Blue candles will stay lite forever, while orange/red regular looking candles only stay lite for a little while then need to be re-lite.
A shield with Shadow protection will help (like Dread Skelly Shield or Crest of Almire). Armor with Shadow protection is also a great idea. For non-freeze themed Keeps I use my Shivermist Buster a lot to freeze the little buggers (kats). Using Elemental weapons will help too. All of the enemies (that can be killed) in the Keep are weak to Elemental. My typical loadout for a solo T3 Keep is a full Dread Skelly Set, Leviathan (combos well with Shiv), Voltedge, Polaris, and Shivermist Buster.
- Bring Elemental Weapons (and one Pierce if you have extra wep slots). Ideally a gun and sword. Everything except the occasional Trojan is weak to elemental damage there.
- Bring Shadow armor (and a bit of normal). Everything there, except the occasional Trojan and the Grimalkins will deal Shadow Damage.
- STAY TOGETHER! This is very important. If someone charged ahead, Grimalkins will spawn and start following them. If said person enters the light, the Grimalkin will turn around and attack anyone who was trailing behind. The only exception is when there are multiple paths to take. In this case, you can have the team split up, but stay close to a buddy.
If you have an impending Grimlakin, resist the urge to shield. Without your shield up, you are faster than the Grimlakin and maybe be able to dodge a bite, but that won't happen with your shield up. And if your shield is up, it'll get broken; save your shield for the other monsters.
Candlestick Keep does have a tendency to put minerals and treasure boxes away from candles; when collecting these, keep an eye on the Grimlakin, and take a lap around the room whenever they reach you to buy time.
And always attack any book stacks, couches or chairs you come across. Most can be destroyed and drop crowns or hearts.
Really, all it comes down to is practice. Start out by learning how to evade Grimlakin, and once you're good at that work on preforming other tasks while evading Grimlakin. Most importantly lighting candles, but also fighting with other monsters and collecting minerals and treasure boxes.
And NEVER go afk if not in the protection of a blue candle.
@Traevelliath i m a lone wolf(solo player) so i mostly solo everything that i can..:p
My avenger work well,there though..but too slow for those ghost,without light.
It's easier to solo candlestick keep. There is one Grimakin per party member so in parties you can get cornered by 2 or 3 of them.
Basic rules of party survival...
1. Party tries to stick together, splitting up is only for candle lighting/gate opening supplies
2. Always have a fireball on hand if you can
3. Anything that regenerates health needs to be singled out and at bare minimum cornered away from the other monsters
4. IF gun puppies sprout (normally later depths) kill them first, they get annoying fast
5. Stay together as best you can
6. Dark corridors are strictly R code: r=run
7. Keep moving and take a break at the blue candlesticks
Just don't get near does monster and always have a fireball with u!!
Well, i have failed many candle stick keep levels so i think something should be done so that it would be so hard.
lol no don't change the Candlesticks. They're like one of the veeeeeerry few challenges in the game, but maybe we can reserve it for T3 only.
The main thing that is wrong about Candlestick Keeps is the ratio of effort to reward in them. They give little rewards for a lot of pain. Candlesticks would be great if there was like 3x the amount of crowns and heat. Do that, and suddenly Candlestick Keeps will become a lot more appealing.
They really aren't that hard. You just have to fight in a smaller area (in the light). Bring a shadow shield and one piece of shadow armor and there you go. Oh, and remember to bring a gun to deal with the howlitzers. If you have good aim, you can make them explode when they fly at you by shooting them before they reach you. Doing that will save your shield from breaking really fast. You can also do it with a charge shot (not sure about bomb) but it takes too long to charge a weapon if you killed the howlitzer yourself.
I did a whole bunch of them on the last FSC gate cause I didn't feel like waiting for them to pass just to get down to FSC.
RE: Effort vs reward, my preliminary findings are that Candlestick keep levels are pretty "average" with crown yield.
I'm referring to this, which although it only contains one run is usually pretty accurate. As you can see, doing a boss floor STOMPS all over C.K., stopping anyone from experimenting with different gates (they just run the bosses). Would be nice to see C.K. floors double their crown yield (maybe even after some buffing to enemies, particularly in T3 when people have "learned" to cope with these floors) and turn them into a risky but profitable source of revenue. Not every hard challenge has to be an enemy like Vanaduke!
Exactly my point. People will stop complaining about Candlestick if they actually become profitable. If Candlestick started giving as much, if not more, crowns and heat as Arenas, then moans and groans of yet another Candlestick wont be as regular of an occurrence.
It doesn't need to be as extreme as 2x Arenas, but at least like 1200 crowns instead of 900 would be great.
Are you the one collecting data for this website?
If so, you should do some non-boss runs in T3 with the arenas and collect that data. I did a Floor 28 arena the other day and I believe I got 2kcr just from the 3rd section. Throw in some nice materials (like 3x Sun Silver) and they blow away the cr output of boss stages.
I agree if it was worthwhile, we'd do it. Same was true of graveyards. At first, I hated them and ran. Then I learned how to deal with them, and they give awesome rewards. The keep, though, gives total crap. And so far there is no such thing as an easy, stress free, keep.
~Thread Close~
Solve that problem a while ago so stop replying.thanks :p.
*checks last post's date*
*check's scrypilow's post*
You revived a dying thread to tell people to close it?
Don't get hit, that's all. They are slow and will die if they enter an area with light. If you are in a dark area, just run instead of fighting there.