So I started thinking a while back, We need some new accesories geared toward individual classes.
Ideas? Pos them! So SK can think about them!!
My ideas were:
A Gunslinger Holster, armor front accesory
Satchel, Armor back accesory
Im a gunslinger, so the first one has been on my mind ever since I first saw accessories.
Also, I had this idea of having a message board in the guild halls, so people could post items and request for things they need, and people cna post that they have them, so Guildies that arent on at the same time can share things. Tell me waht you think?
thanks guys!!
~Spiral Hunter Shanoaran
New Accesories?
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 08:53
Why is this in the Arsenal? Move it to General Discussion.