so i have 150k crowns to spend on a brandish/shock burst brandish. i do a mix of FSC and normal random ^3 gates. probas about 3/4 random gates. but i dont know what UV to buy from auction house. and ideas?
Going for voltedge but what UV brandish should i buy?
CTR is generally considered more useful on Brandishes. That being said you can go for ASI or CTR, it's easy enough to get the other via trinkets so as Bopp said it's down to your armour set-up.
I'd say CTR no matter what your other gear is. ASI doesn't do a whole lot on 3-swing swords, and Damage Vs X UVs are always going to be fairly low on the list since trinket/armor boosts give you Damage Vs Everything.
I have ASI high on my Voltedge. It works excellently.
CTR- clockworks
ASI- Clockworks/PvP
With 150k Cr (2.3k CE @ 65 per), you can get CTR/ASI med. Personally, I would recommend trinkets. 1200 CE per 5* trinket.
I bought a brandish VH against Undead(For 30k :3) just for FSC, because i only use a vog set up for FSC. So i have both VH ASI and VH damage against undead.
For me this set up works well because i really never charge
@Kinkypenguin ( <-- wtf?)
I forgot to mention, if you do get lucky and find a fail price brandish, then get it. I actually got a prismatic alchemer CTR med for 5k cr. ;)
Just make sure you don't overpay. :)
Is that 150k just for the UV, or for the entire weapon? Because even with no UV, crafting a typical 5* item from a 2* starter (including recipes, crafting materials, energy, etc.) would likely cost you around 140k at current market prices.
(Krogmo recipes are actually a little MORE expensive last I checked, if you calculate the money you could make by spending those coins on mod calibrators and enamorocks and selling them, though you can't buy them for crowns.)
I'd recommend maybe grabbing a UV-less 5* Brandish and just playing around with it and feeling for what you need.
More likely than not I bet you end up wanting to charge up an attack pretty frequently.
Personally I recommend CTR with Damage trinkets, Skolver, or BTS.
What armor and trinkets do you have? For example, if you tend to wear sworder armor, then you can cover attack speed and damage using armor and trinkets. Then the UV that you want on your sword is CTR Very High.
And as you plan that, it may be helpful to say what other swords and weapons you use.