I just started playing but im extremely active and social, i love learning new things and am willing to take advice. I have 2star gear if that means anything. I intend on getting really good fast with advice. I NEED A FAMILY!
BarCaptain needing a guild
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 11:55
Wed, 01/11/2012 - 21:37

try gentlemen of liesure
Our guild is t2 and up, on the weekends, at least I am extremely active, Our goal is to expand to be on of the best guilds. You'll fit right in as a lot of our players are tier 2.
forum post: http://forums.spiralknights.com/en/node/39713
New events TBD, i i think I'll post boss runs later on the page.
"Mightputty appears as a Kogoya!" :OO
You need a family? Glad to hear it! We're gonna be a great fit for you! :D We're the AFK, also known as the Awesome Fearless Knights. We're mainly a tier 3 guild, but we also set up an academy for players just like you. To sweeten things, we're a very social guild at that; it's of up-most importance to us.
To know more about AFK, here's the wiki page:
To apply, here's our forum recruitment thread.