ok so i got a full mad bomber seet with VT, nitro, and shiver but im looking for a gun in that last wep slot. i got that bomber setup mainly for lockdown but recently i have noticed a gun would be VERY useful in LD. im not looking for a polaris
1 all round good gun that isnt Vilianceor Polair. help a bomber out?
Are we talking normal? If not, shadow alchmer is good, due to not many people wearing shadow resist. Sentenza is also an option, the fast shots interrupting movement.
Sentenza and Umbra driver are good guns for PvP.
You could also go with a Supernova if you hate Polaris that much
im looking for something that osnt slow but im also looking for half decent damage. im taking suggestions on the damage type. but setenza you have to be stationary alot?
Well a normal gun can be bad since everyone will resist it, except the occasional divine veil. Polaris is ruled out, autogun series are just bad and catalyzers are slow:
Your only options are alchemers or antiguas. Maybe callahan, requires more control and damage doesnt do much justice but the stun leads to cheap kills.
not a fan of those little spud gun alchemers. antigua line i though you had to stop for a while to shoot and you pretty much cant stop youreself firing the whole clip?
Just to clarify things up about the antigua as i have one.
You can move when firing ordinarily but not when you are using the charge.
You can stop halfway through a clip but not halway during a charge.
The clip is 6 shots long (if i remember correctly)
The only downside is that the antiguas are split elemental and piercing or split shadow and piercing.
Hope that helped :)
Antigua-line can be shot while moving. The charge shot is the only time you'll be rooted and have to fire the whole 6 shots.
thanks for the help guys, just bought a shadowtech alchemre MKII. rare thing is that the chepest on on AH had a med gremlin UV and was alot cheaper than the chepest one without UV ,^^ crazy world
It would help if you could actually type.
Anyways, Umbra driver is good for LD. You can also consider Nova driver (more people have elemental resist though), Callahan (only good for ambush attacks/trapped people), or Storm driver. Paweu was using the storm driver to good effect against me in LD today, and the shock really helps.
i currently have a shadow driver and am going for Umbra driver. no need for the little comment at the start there. i type fast and dont proof read. bite me
slow down then. There's a PREVIEW button for a reason, derp.
There's a time for frantic chat type while diving, and a time for clear texts that prevents misunderstanding and allows people to read and respond without feeling annoyed.
if you are getting annoyed at a simple spelling mistake or two and the spacebar not responding when i hit it then you really need ro re-assess you're life. like wow seriously? no wonder most of the people who play this game are kids.
People complaining about Scottish-Archer: His typing/spelling isn't perfect, but most of it here is pretty understandable, right? It's not much worse than a typical SK forum post. I have had no trouble reading it.
Scottish-Archer: You started this thread to ask for help. It is in your interest to communicate as clearly as possible, with the people trying to help you. So maybe you should slow down a bit, capitalize in the standard way, and proofread. Adults proofread habitually, because they are in the habit of writing stuff that matters, for their job.
I thought it was mostly kids who can't spell. Or would the point get across better if we typed like a messy kid? I'm pretty sure you're and your is not a typo. Taking an extra 10 seconds reading over your post and correcting minor mistakes, doesn't really hurt anyone. And everyone else won't be so annoyed.
And it makes you seem smarter than most kids.
Oh god, not another rage thread.
Just what the forums need...some little kids arguing about spelling....
Come on people!!! We don't need another troll!!!
Like Bopp said try and proofread, I always do it and it only takes about 3 seconds.
Please guys, just calm down.
im looking for a gun good for PVP. not bothered about clockworks. and that was a mistake at the time about "not valiance" because i was thinking about the valiance so yes, valiance is an optian. sugggestions please?