Working my way up the Calibur and Flourish lines, and I'm wondering what would be considered the better options for UV?
Or is it mostly play-style & preference? I'm running CTR & DAM modules, currently.
Also, on a semi-related note:
When crafting an item that needs a previous Heat 5+ item, does it make any difference to the Ability effect of the new item if the previous item is Heated all the way to 10? Does the "Medium" Ability effect at 10 Heat from the previous item, roll over & stack on the Ability effects of the new item you are crafting to. In other words, Does the previous item's 10 Heat Ability make your new item have a "High" ability once the new item reaches 5 Heat? Or does Ability effect just reset on every upgrade of an item?
thanks for your replies!
It depends slightly on your preference, but more based on the rest of your armour and the weapon itself. Slow sword users will generally want ASi, to balance the slow swings, since they already hit hard. Swords with popular charge attacks (Brandish line, since the patch, FoV and such) will often want CTR bonuses to get the charges off quicker. Damage is a nice basis though, that'll work in any situation if you're unsure or like to just hack'n'slash.
It also depends on the rest of your gear, and how well it fits in. Having a full vog cub set, for example, will keep your ASi pretty high already, reducing the important of that UV.
And upgrading weapons into higher *d versions has absolutely no bearing on the current level; that's just the minimum level requirement that the craft machine will accept the item to be at. +5 will get low bonuses, and +10 will get medium, regardless of *. It's more just so that you can craft to 4* quickly (only needing to +5 it), but if you can't, or don't want to, you're free to continue levelling it up for the higher bonus. But when you do 4* it, it will have no bearing on the newly upgraded weapon whatever level the previous one was.