Any suggestions on what to put this on? :c
Prismatic Dapper Combo... What to put it on?
Thu, 01/12/2012 - 22:12
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 05:08
Put in on a Quicksilver
Put in on a Quicksilver alongside a Prismatic Toupee, then you can be the sexiest Impostocube.
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 07:18
If you put it on a rose set
If you put it on a rose set with a prismatic tail you can look like Narfle with lung cancer.
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 10:07
I was coming into this thread going to suggest the Quicksilver Helm.
People already beat me to it!
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 14:39
Because black people aren't
Because black people aren't posh enough to smoke pipes.
And Kuger's already got the Rock Jelly Imposto look going.
Fri, 01/13/2012 - 17:06
/wave didy
Lung cancer? What? Smoking doesn't cause cancer--Philip Morris told me so.