Frosty’s take on King Tinkinzar
Everyone has a take on King Tinkinzar, so here is mine. Tinkinzar will obviously be a T3 boss. First we will start with the crimson order, each of which will be similar to darkfang gremlins with red clothes, maybe a little more health, and with the following bonuses.
Thwackers: Crimson Thwackers weapons will be more axe like than hammer like, additionally they will have an ability called “Charge Weapon” which will cause the blade of their axe to glow with energy (fire, ice, or shock), making their attacks mixed normal/elemental as well as very high chance to apply the relevant status. It applies to thrown axes too. This buff lasts for ~5 hits.
Menders: All Crimson Menders abilities will also heal status ailments; additionally the mender has the regeneration ability, applying a healing over time to the target. Note: when the mender heals a target the healing happens before the remedy effect, so poison will still cause damage before getting removed.
Scorchers: Crimson Scorchers will drop the canister on their back when they die, it will explode as a bomb with a short fuse and large area, doing minor damage and leaving oil over the entire area. Additionally their flame bullets will leave a burning floor hazard on hit.
Demo: Crimson Demos will drop specialty bombs as well as the normal gremlin bombs. Specialty bombs will be fire, freeze, shock, and proximity.
Fire: has a burning aura, explodes like a blast network bomb (cross shaped), does elemental damage and can cause burning.
Freeze: has a cold aura, explodes like a crystal bomb (with a shorter range), deals elemental damage and can cause freeze.
Shock: has an electric aura, explodes like an electron charge, deals elemental damage and can cause shock
Proximity: has a light bulb instead of a wind up key, will have a very slow fuse, which instead is a normal/fast fuse when players are within its radius.
Do you think I should add poison as an option fore Thwaker’s charge weapon and demo’s specialty bombs?
The levels leading up to the boss room will be filled with darkfang gremlins with crimson order grimlins showing up rarely at first, but more and more common as you get closer to the boss fight. There will be a healthy smattering of constructs as well. Other monster types will be rare and relegated to specific areas, such as a zoo several beasts and some mewcats in cages (which will of course need to be released to get through a door), a diplomatic envoy with fiends, buncha slimes in the kitchens as well as the occasional oiler or quicksilver hanging with scorchers, things like that.
The Bossroom
The Knights enter from the bottom with King Tinkinzar himself is seated on his throne at the north. The throne is huge and well armored. In addition there are 4 rooms each sealed in a different way with a Crimson Mender inside (and maybe a small guard of other random crimson order gremlins). Each of these rooms is opened in a different way and will re-seal itself after a while, and each one will also have those white force fields, preventing the grimlins inside from leaving, and preventing you from killing them from the outside, the mender abilities of course can still be cast through the walls. One will have require two switches to be flipped to lower a gate, one will be sealed by respawning breakable blocks (the three strike ones) and occasionally some blast blocks will spawn as well, one will require a key (which will respawn at the opposite side of the room), and one will require you hit a ghost block that will cause a chain reaction removing opening up the room. The ghost block will be at the opposite side of the map which means the chain for the blocks needs to cross the player entrance, were it crosses it will be made of breakable blocks, so if in the fighting you have broken those blocks you will need to wait fore them to respawn to complete the chain. Each will also have a way out from the inside, a button to be pushed for the key and switch gates, the breakable blocks of can just be broken the other way, and a ghost block on the inside.
The menders in the rooms will be special in that they will have an ability that makes King Tinkinzar invulnerable, it is a channeled ability and causes the mender to be encased in a blue energy dome (to make it easy to spot). These menders bodies never fade, but only King Tinkinzar himself can resurrect these special menders. When the menders channeling the spell are all dead, King Tinkinzar’s throne will be vulnerable to attack. After being vulnerable for a period of time (or taking enough damage to transition to the next phase), he will resurrect all the room locked menders and their body guard and they will once again make him invulnerable. Additionally if a locked mender is dead for a long enough time he will resurrect it individually (though that should be exceedingly rare because you should be making him vulnerable which will trigger the resurrect all ability long before individual resurrections).
King Tinkinzar
The king holds his royal scepter in one hand, and has a box filled with bombs and axes nest to the other. He will spend the entire fight on his huge throne safely out of reach of the knights. He is not however helpless, as he can perform any ability that any gremlin can do, using his scepter to perform mender and scorcher abilities, and reaching into his collection of bombs and axes to use demo and Thwacker skills. To compensate for the short range of the flamethrower, flame wave, and axe spin techniques he can launch a special ember bolt (or throw a special axe) in a ballistic trajectory, that will then perform the attack at the point it lands. He will also have an ability so call for more guards (Grimlins). Moreover King Tinkinzar’s attacks can go over (or maybe even through) the walls of the rooms, so knights are not safe anywhere.
He can also activate defenses of the throne room as well as on the throne itself firing rockets and summoning gun puppies, and producing mecha-knights.
In the first phase he will use mostly mender abilities and guard summoning (summoning guards whenever the gremlin population gets too low). In this phase only one of the room locked menders will be casting the invulnerability spell.
In the second phase he will use attacks just as frequently as mender abilities and take less time between ability uses. The limit to when he will stop summoning guards will rise (thus more gremlins to fight at a time). He will also start activating mechanical defenses, summoning the gunpuppies and mecha-knights, and launching salvos of missiles from the walls. In this phase two locked menders will be casting the invulnerability spell at a time
In the third and final phase the frequency King Tinkinzar uses abilities rises again, as well as the amount of crimson order gremlins he will have attacking you at a time. Gun puppy and mech knight counts stay about the same as phase two though missile salvos are more frequent. Also the amount of shots launched and axes/bombs thrown when he attacks increase. All four room locked menders will be casting the invulnerability spell, requiring all four to be killed.
The battle will feel like a more cramped and hectic amalgam of T3 deconstruction zones and arenas, quickly trying to get into the locked rooms so you can kill the special menders and then attack King Tinkinzar. The locked menders, and of course the menders summoned with the other guards, will make this difficult by supporting the gremlins that will be attempting to swarm you at any given time.
Healing: King Tinkinzar will occasionally use a healing pill (rare but existent, you got to be quick to keep the damage up), the menders however will only heal him when he is not invulnerable, and for a lesser amount (the throne is huge, it takes a lot of power to fix)
Scorcher 4* gun, elemental 3 shots between reloads. Shots are like non-bouncing firotech alchamer shots, but with a longer range. Charge shot creates a stream of fire like the attack of a red rover.
>>Prometheus: 5*, as above but the charge shot creates a flame wave instead of just a stream
Prox-Box: 5* bomb, damage like a nitrodome, but with 4* bomb blast radius. The fuse is very slow, but becomes very fast when enemies are within the blast radius.
Bold Bulwark: 5* shield, protects from normal, elemental, freeze and stun.
Movement speed penalty: low
This shield does not flinch when it absorbs damage
Tinker Plate: 5* armor, defenses vs normal, elemental, and shock.
Gun CTR: Med
Tinker Helm: 5* helmet, defenses vs normal, elemental, and shock.
Gun CTR: Med
awesome description of the upcoming boss! i wish it would be like you say but, i have a question:
those "rewards" are from the tokens right? or random drops