So, I tried lockdown when I was in my T2 gear, heh, that lasted long /endsarcasm
I moved to my T1 gear (that's right, old proto equip and the 1* bombs) and tried joining in that fun.
Best SK decision, ever.
The game started to require a little more skill (than toothpick 'em to death) and some tactics. I almost loathed the first couple matches because I was so broken into my T2 gear... I was amazed. And that's when I found a group of 8 players that I won't forget.
Yes, at least 3 had a higher skill level than I did. Yes, I died a lot... but they were willing to teach me a little, and patient with me when I practiced. We played, and played, and played. I kept learning and training. Even when I ran out of coins, they sent me some so we could continue to have our awesome battles.
At least 2 hours of playing LD after LD, honing skill, getting killed, capturing nodes. I even managed to take down one of the better players with a little help. Killed him twice (keep in mind my K:D ratio is probably 1:3 with him still.) and we laughed about things. No petty "you're just someone for me to crush", loads of "gg" and "lol". I won't forget this experience you guys gave me. Also, I sincerely hope we can play again. You guys were great. Oh and I hope you didn't hate my assassination attempts too much D. Sincerely enjoy having battles with you.
This is for those who make LD fun and don't aim to make cr, just aim to keep playing with others. I salute you guys and sincerely hope we can have this fun group meet again.
Any of you have a good time in LD?
Hear hear!