I have a wolver cap, wolver coat, cutter, spur, nightblade. The nightblade took me like forever to get. Is there like a really good,easy fast way to get tons of crowns
How to earn money fast in tier 2 equipment
This thread might be better in the New Players section. Anyway,
Crowns are earned at:
1) Arenas
2) Boss areas (i.e. JELLY PALACE)
Arenas are better, but it's much harder to reliably get to them. Jelly Palace is simple to get to and yields a good profit (you can spend CE running it and still make more money than it costs to buy the CE). Once you start aiming at these areas, you no longer have to worry about stopping once you run out of mist energy and can earn money at a fairly steady rate that scales with how long you play.
Well, you might want to do loads of JK(Jelly King) runs, you get quite a lot of cr from them.
Not onl that, but if you go through the whole run, you get the 3-4 tokens from him too, get more, and you've got yourself things like the Sealed Sword.
But the hard part is getting to jelly king because I only have wolver and I need to save up to dusker
And I might not have enough energy
Once you do start running rjp, the constraint is time. Do you have time to gather the profits that allow you to craft?
You can certainly gain enough so you can craft and run more rjp to repeat the process. Thats does mean holding back on upgrades if you are willing to do so.
I really like how you suggested doing shadow lairs for crowns in that other necroed thread in new players.
A Wolver set and a nightblade is sufficient for doing RJP. You don't mention a shield, but a bristling buckler or twisted targe would complete your setup there.
Just find the RJP gate, join a random party in T2 to skip a few levels, and try not to take so much damage that you're a burden to your team. It's more important to dodge a hit and keep your hearts than it is to deal more damage to the enemies, so get used to shielding and running a lot.
Most importantly, if you find yourself in a team with some good players and you weren't a complete pain in the butt to them, send them a friend request after you complete the run saying you'd like to do more RJP runs with them.
I have a defender, should I get swift or thorn
Thorn. Although, some people prefer swift for T2 simply because they are good enough to not need the extra defence. But thorn is a better option, as it can go to 5*
Demi chek the other node on how to get crowns the one that I posted on doing shadow, I add something new. Is that good way to get crowns
Don't go posting on threads that got necroed.
The way that guy did it is to pay real money on one account. That way, it gains the paid account status and its own mist bar. This gives the guy 200 mist of two different accounts everyday. The catch being, it was paid with real money.
I still don't get it. The guy got a paid status, got that. He has his own mist? Wat that mean. And 200 mist each account wat?
No, he has 2 accounts with separate mist, so 100+100 = 200.
All free accounts on one computer shares the same mist bar. Say he uses 50 out of 100 energy on one free account, then changes to another free account to play. That account would have 50 energy left.
If the 2nd account there was paid, it will no longer share the same mist bar as the free accounts. So if a paid account used 50 energy, the other accounts would still have a full 100.
How about uninstalling SK and redownload it again
Hey demon, how good r u in spiral knights? If we meet can u create any good items
Mist is stored with your account on the Spiral Knights servers. Redownloading it would do nothing for you.
No, the information regarding the amount of mist/ce etc. is not stored on your pc. How about taking the peoples advice in this thread, it is sound. You won't get it all over night, it takes time. Or put your hand in your pocket and buy some CE with real cash.
Oh, and use the search box to look for threads that will help you, instead of cluttering up the forums with previously asked questions because you are to lazy?
So any more advices on how to get lots of crowns
Here is what I used to do:
Roarmulus: Beat until you have 15 tokens. Get a pulsar/catalyzer.
2) Put it in AH
3) Do JK until you have 20 tokens, and get an Antigua.
4) After cata/pulsar sells, use the cr to unbind Antigua, and sell that. This method nets about 60k crowns.
Extremely inefficient; reliable; requires knowledge of prices
@Kreeara Well, when I saw your post the first thought that popped into my head was "By golly, I better nip on to Spiral Nights, find him, and give all my cash."
Actually, the real thought that came up was "Godammit, now there are beggars on the forums."
get alot of bucks buy alot of ce sell it all do it over and over etc.
get alot of bucks buy alot of ce sell it all do it over and over etc.
Do Jelly King runs. They give a near constant amount of crowns. And since you have a nightblade, it's best suited for you.