I like my tri-heart pendants when I'm playing hard levels on T3 but I see a lot of 5* players running around with weapon buff trinkets; which ones are more useful and why? Should I ditch my heart pendants and craft some elite modules instead?
Heart Pendants vs Weapon Buff Trinkets
It really depends on how much money you have and your extra gear. Most of the time, people at the very end of the game use Heart Trinkets. Why? Skolver and Snarby both give +dam med with swords. That is +dam VH overall. Get a Barbarous Thorn Shield with another +dam med with swords and you have +dam maximum.
Then you go talk to punch with your favorite sword and decide what you want. CTR VH is excellent because when said weapon gets to lvl 10, it gets an addition CTR med which results in CTR maximum.
In PVP, you want ASI. Then you ragecraft whatever you need or bother punch again until you get ASI VH or something like that. ASI maximum isn't really necessary because its effect is probably the least noticeable of the 3 I've mentioned.
Of course for gunslingers and bombers, that tends to be a different story. (Most) Gunslinger armor gives an ASI, so those trinkets aren't needed. Damage and CTR are what is important. However, CTR can be solved via UV's easily. Damage is what is really needed, and most Gunslingers need some sort of +dam trinket(s). Most bombers run around with CTR Med trinkets, so all their bombs have CTR max when heat lvl 10.
Also, as a bomber you tend not to get hit much (and with our defence, hits tend to bring you rapidly towards your death anwyasy), so heart trinkets don't help *nearly* as much as extra damage/CTR trinkies.
But yeah, it mainly comes down to that; the extra hp in the CW doesn't count as much as the offensive bonus in general, since SK is verye aggressive based. Even then; if you manage to get high UVs and pull max damage/CTR, there's nothin' stoppin' you tossin' ASi trinkies on and speeding up even more.
Up to you really; how often do you need the extra hearts?
If you already have trink slots, heart pendants are a decent way to utilize them until you craft some weapon trinks.
Most armour sets for a type of weapon give either asi or damage. The trinkets supplement the missing pair. Since damage should not be taken at all on tier three, destroying your enemies seem to be favoured over trading blows with them.
@Traevelliath sorry but that's entirely false.
An experienced player is not going to be hit often in the first place, and once you have a vitapod, heart trinkets don't make a big difference.
In the other hand, unless you have crazy amounts of money, you are not going to be able to get VH UV. You'll have have to compensate with trinkets.
For example, as a heavy sword user, I want both DMG and ASI maxxed. That means 6 Med bonus. Armor provide 2, shield can provide 1 if I'm willing to take a BTB (not always the case). Then I'll probably have a med UV on my sword (on heavy sword, that's very expensive already). I still need the 2 trinkets to be maxxed. And that's assuming I only use swords, which is not always the case. Sometime, I want that CTR Med bombs for Shivermist for example.
As for bombers, on contrary, if you have the full armor with Mad Bomber Suit (which is the standard, often with Volcanic Demo Helm to not have negative fire resist), you'll be maxxed CTR. Most bombs (haze and vortex types) don't benefit a lot from DMG, you don't really have anything but heart trinkets useful to take. Or you have CTR Med bombs or higher (which is not uncommon), and you need only 1 bomber part and no trinket.
Let's not forget about hybrids, who are really going to want to improve both roles and will not even take a look at heart trinkets for PvE.
Of course, for PvP, heart trinkets > all.
"As for bombers, on contrary, if you have the full armor with Mad Bomber Suit (which is the standard, often with Volcanic Demo Helm to not have negative fire resist), you'll be maxxed CTR. Most bombs (haze and vortex types) don't benefit a lot from DMG, you don't really have anything but heart trinkets useful to take. Or you have CTR Med bombs or higher (which is not uncommon), and you need only 1 bomber part and no trinket."
The cool about Mad Bomber is that with one E-Boom mod, and the full set, along with +10 bombs, you've got everything maxed from the word go. That's a spare trinky slot for anything you want; resistance amulets to nullify the negs, CTR if you don't have max bombs, hearts ifyou get hit often; personally though I like to use a sword trinky there, so when I do need to use swords I get an extra bonus.
Just never feel the need for heart trinkies, even when I do use my sword loadouts.
Considering how everything in T3 does massive damage, you'll never be too terribly high up in HP unless you find a ton of boxes or a heal pad. I tend to ride the "last stand" effect thing a hell of a lot (picking up a few hears, losing them, picking up a few more, etc), so a lot of health isn't useful to me since it'll never fill up. Half the time my vitapod is useless. I'd prefer to up my offence.
Unless we're talking LD. You die so bloody often and rez up with full HP that a huge health bar is actually useful.
[This advice comes from the perspective of a sword user]
@Guy: Abuse that last stand effect, abuse it!!1!
In all seriousness, it is a legit way to slogging through any hard levels. Leave hearts on the ground and pick them up as necessary.
Note how I mention people at the VERY END of the game at the beginning of my post. I'm not talking about t3 players, I'm talking about people who solo FSC with proto armor or consistently get like 20k+ dam per lockdown game.
Then why would they need heart pendants? Assuming they are skilled enough, they shouldn't have to worry about having enough health to take hits.
And heart pendants in pvp is already prefered over other trinks. Point is invalid.
Basically what Demonicsothe said. But even with a Very High UV on my sword (you can't have more on a weapon as far as I know), you'll still need at least 1 trinket to be maxxed in both ASI and DMG. That's assuming you only want to max those ones. If you also want to get CTR Max, you'll need either to have both Very High on your sword (I doubt more than a handful of players, if any, have that), or go one Very High + one Med and 2 trinkets.
And you are not always using only 1 weapon type, and there, things get ugly if you want a lot of Max (hint : you are going to make some trade-offs).
Why even bring up post-game players? If they have maxed arsenals and can do FSC in proto, that's their choice after all, but it's hardly relevant to the OPs discussion; should a regular T3 player be wearing them?
Yeah, the thing I don't like about relying on weapon UVs is that if/when you switch weapon, then suddenly you've lost [whatever you had as your UV] in stats, and need to compensate. It's gunna get *very* expensive to get the same VH UV on every one of your commonly used weapons, so it's better off to just get some trinkies that work generally. I have two E-Booms and two E-B.Focus and a E-Slash, and never need to use anything else; I just switch them around to suit whichever loadout I happen to be using; UVs on my bombs are literally irrelevant.
Bet I paid less than a VH UV, too.
Only flaw? I don't get to spam heart trinkies.
But I'll live. (See what I did there? Didju?! :D)
When i need to carry a team i go with 1heart,when im with a decent team i go damage/ctr this is pve setup tho
Generally speaking the weapon modules are much more useful in PvE than the heart trinkets.