I'm wondering if I should go full swordsman (if I was I would use nigtblade and iceburst brandish) or a sword/gun set (if I was I would go iceburst brandish with shadowtech alchemer)
Dont say 'buy a weapon slot' because I want to save my ce and I will buy some for endgame.
If you have any other suggestions (different brandish alchemy path) (or a different sword) go ahead and list then but the sets must include one brandish line sword
Please don't list boss weapons either
Well weapon slots are cheap, considering they last a month, and letting you carry extra weapons does pay for itself.
But that idea aside...
If you're only going to have two weapon slots, I'd advise carrying a utility gun. Even if you don't have m/any gun bonuses on your set and want to focus primarily on swords, a gun is handy to have, especially if it's a status effect type (freeze, fire or shock alchemer, for example).
However you'll find then that the gun will serve only as a utility, and that your sword will probably need to either be Normal type, or be very generic.
Ofc, you could use, say a shadow sword (nightblade) and a status alchemer to have shadow/elemental damage types to cover your for defence enemies.
But you might feel restricted having only one sword. If you want to use two swords, nightblade and iceburst is a good combo, all-round defence covering and a status effect to boot. But then you have to definitely make sure that your shield and armour set is solid, or you'll find yourself in the middle of the fray with few defences.
It's tricky, being restricted to two weapons...