So, I played Spiral Knights a while ago and then stopped playing for a while (schoolwork distracted me from the really important things in life, like gaming!). Now I've started up again. Previously I was basically a bomber, and still have a good deal of 4* gear just waiting for me to get off my ass and collect the CE and crowns and recipes to complete 5* versions thereof. However, I was also fooling around with potentially having some swordswoman gear, just because hacking things is generally the fastest way to kill them, and combines nicely with bombing them given my personal style of play. Also, Gran Fausts look cool, and the times that Phantoms have tracked me down and killed me before I could escape the Graveyard have made me itch to get in some vengeance with them on the clockworks.
As a result, however, I randomly rolled up some time ago a Wolver Coat with _Max Shock Resist_ as part of a _triple UV_ with Low Stun Resist and Low Poison Resist. This is the best gear I have gotten so far, needless to say. I still don't know what to do with it though! Suggestions? Advice? Consternation? I'm probably going to stay a hybrid bomber, and given that this is a secondary piece of gear and has a pretty awesome UV on it, making this into whatever would be ideal for it instead of something I "need" right now is not even a problem. I've got other stuff for clearing the Clockworks in the meantime.
Either you could sell it for a very high price, because shock max is one of the best UV, or use it yourself.
What I would use it for is Skolver for PvP. In PvP, the 2 most dangerous status are shock and freeze. With a Skolver with Shock UV you are protected from both.
For a clockwork usage, it's way less useful. If you don't intend to use it for PvP, I would advise you to sell it for a high price (go to Bazaar sub-forum to ask for a price check). A better UV would be Fire since the end game revolves around FSC and it's the single most dangerous status down there.