Dearest Ox3,
Inquisitive minds would absolutely love to know: Are there any plans to release new accessories and new styles of accessories in the coming months?
(accessories = bomb bando, wing, halo, tenna's, etc....)
(accessory styles = regal, dusky, prismatic, divine, etc.....)
It was clearly not in the "whats in development" thread, but that doesn't mean that its not in consideration, or even in the works. So just wondering if eury, nick, or any of you fine folks could give us a peak behind the curtain. Any chance we will be getting new accessories or styles of accessories in the near future? distant future? Anything?
thank you,
An accessory obsessed knight,
p.s. ironically, for the longest time i had absolutely no interest in accessories!!!! oh....the...irony...!
I would kill for a monocle+pipe combo, and a sheriffs badge. Oh, and the ability for ponchos to have front accessories.