This is just a poll, not a discussion.
Do not post why you think something, just yes or no. Thank you.
This is just a poll, not a discussion.
Do not post why you think something, just yes or no. Thank you.
People would then just use gran Faust again I like the diversity between FF,GF,BTB,DA and a little bomb/gun in between those so
Just switch that comment to a second "NO" plz :P
No, not specifically, but...
I think the way that shield canceling currently works with swords is broken, repeatedly being able to use the first strike of a combo or being able to easily avoid the last strike of a combo (which cannot be canceled out of) makes a few swords far too powerful, especially in Lockdown. For example, the flourish/barb line's big first swing and speed are supposed to be balanced by the small hitbox of the second two swings and the powerful sealed line's large swings are supposed to be balanced by only having two, but shield canceling can negate these balancing factors.
My proposal is that if you cancel out of a swing, instead of it resetting the combo back to the first swing the next time you attack, it should use the next swing in the combo, but if enough time passes between the shield cancel and the next swing (maybe a second or so) then you can use the first swing again.
I think this would go far to balance certain weapons in Lockdown and in the Clockworks.
In case I'm not being clear, here is a helpful visual demonstration with a 3 attack combo sword!
Swing 1 -> Shield cancel -> Swing 1 -> Shield cancel -> Swing 1 etc.
Swing 1 -> Shield cancel -> Swing 2 -> Shield cancel -> Swing 3 (not able to be cancelled)
Swing 1 -> Shield cancel -> Short period of time -> Swing 1 -> Shield cancel -> Short period of time -> Swing 1 etc
So why do you also want to nerf Callahan and Dark Briar Barrage?
OOO nerfs things way too badly; piercing swords are massively overpowered but if they were to be nerfed, they should still be potent, not completely underpowered.
I could get behind Jontlemen's suggesting. But for the original poster's suggestion, a resounding no.
Kind of. Mostly. It's complicated.
I think the first swing on flourishes should be part normal. I suppose you'd call that a nerf. Piercing weapons in general are fine though.
@Aemicus, are you just asking about piercing swords?
@Jontlemen, the first case in your suggestion would be strictly better than just comboing however it's implemented, either because it's faster or because it allows you to break up your combo with shielding for defense. There would never be a reason not to cancel. As it is now, there's a real choice between cancelling and comboing, which should be preserved.
^ piercing weapons part normal? awesome idea! More people have normal defense, so it would do less damage (poor divine set people). I'm going to make a suggestion for it.
*Ahem* I had fun doing this, thank you everyone for participating. Please refer back to the topic title to see what happened. Brady knew what was up :D
Oh look, someone called the troll card again
Smart. Changing the title. Original was "piercing weapons should be nerfed" or something like that.
My answer to the new title; yes.
In T2 Lockdown, everyone who isn't just a new player that unfortunately stumbled into a mess of Duskers, is wearing, well... Dusker armor, which provides a nice Piercing defense boost. This gives near immunity to Antigua and Magnus (don't know about Needle Shot as I've never seen it in action there). If anything, the piercing guns (T2 ones at least) deserve a buff in Lockdown.
So... yes to the guns and bombs for sure. Maybe not the swords.
Again, YES.
I love how everyone is still commenting on this like it was an actual thread...
And also most people are still ignoring my "No discussion" rule.
My ambiguous answer is still true despite the question change!