Calibur (CTR med) SOLD
Added Blitz needle (ASI med+construct low)
lowered Blitz needle buy out, and remember, you can put your offer for it
Sold Owlite Shield (Piercing High)
Bought Spiral demo helm (Shadow high)
Lowered Blitz needle B/O
-Sold 1 Haze bomb (CTR low)
-Added Magic Cloak (Curse high), this will be sold to the first reasonable offer.
Still taking offers on the CTR VH brandish
Current bid is 15kce By Bodyguard-Cn
thanks Bodyguard
Brandish (CTR VH), Bought out by Deathpoolak in-game
My friend crafted another great piece of equipment, Brandish (ASI high), so I added it
Sold Blitz needle (ASI med+construct low)
Sold the other haze bomb (CTR low)
Brandish (ASI High) was sold By its owner here:
Sold Magic Cloak (Curse high)
Added Spiral Demo Helm (Shadow high)
Wolver Coat (Piercing high) bought from a friend :D
Added Brandish (CTR Very High)
The Buy out of this is higher due to the drop of CE prices
Current offer is 21kce by: Sg-hotsauce (in game)
Brandish (CTR VH) got bought out by Xenocir, just finished the deal in game
I'll start the Spiral Demo Helm (shadow HIGH) with the following offer:
1K ce!
Yes sireeee, you heard me.
IGN: Pineapple-Express
It's not an auction actually, and sorry, I can't sell it for that.
thanks for the offer though
Brandish (ASI Very High)
Nightblade (CTR med)
Sold Spiral demo Helm (Shadow high)
Sold Brandish (ASI VH)
Sold Nightblade (CTR medium)
Added Acheron (Gremlin VH)
Added Divine Avenger (CTR medium)
Bump and....
Sold Acheron (Gremlin VH)
Added Firotech Alchemer MK2 (CTR High)
Wolver coat (Shadow high) bought
lowered Owlite shield (piercing high) B/O