As the one year anniversary of Sk comes slowly, I wanted to show a Beautiful collab to the GM, and workforce who gave us this game!
I don't Care if you can't draw, use spiral spy, models out of materials in RL, Funny Screenshots ect.
Only two entries per person.
Deadline April 1(you have alot of time!)
I need permission for your pics!
There may be a limit to pictures, I'll inform you guys.
Also, vid can't be put(kinda obvious)
Please post please!
EDIT: I think that any picture that you have made about SK would be good. I just want to ask for permission to use them.
Edit: colab ATM without pictures.
hmm, this calls into question the 1 year date though, it really (re)started on April 1. The betas got deleted a few days before but officially were allowed to restart on that day with their current continuous characters.
Other than that, hope to see some awesome artwork :D