everybody knows everything about this game? Already?
all questions answered
No, it's just that people don't want your answers. Remember this? This is why: "why would I ask someone questions who just posted in another thread "how do you shield in ld?" and "im in t3 and i cant get back into t2.why?" which, frankly, everyone already knows, and even if you didn't, that's what the search button is for."
In fact, I've noticed that other people answer questions asked to you more frequently than you do.
Don't bump this again.
Well, first off, not everyone knows. Second off, I'm protest the search par like all cool kids. Third off, why are you so mean? Fourth off, I'm in a different timezone so I'm not on when people post their questions. Fifth off, if you've got nothing constructive to say, then STFU!!!!!! And finally, sixth off, remember this?: "so basically ANYONE can ask or ANSWER questions"
Ah, and l almost forgot: BUMP!!!!!!!!!
Okay, I have a question for you. Why don't you let dead threads die?
I can see where this is going. I respond with well reasoned, calm arguments and you start raging. Well, I'm going to leave before that happens. Good bye, and just remember, whatever joy you got out of this is worthless, because, in the end, you helped no one.
Because I'd rather have answers from people who knows what they're talking about, and doesn't ask people to stfu when they present a perfectly valid point.
it would have had a happy ending.
I don't think misleading new players with rehashed answers from other players is considered happy. Neither was telling someone to STFU.
Chuck Norris is not pleased by the people trolling Odin. You don't want Chuck Norris to not be pleased.
[ign] and I approve this message.
l forum from my 3ds. Same problem.
if youre asking this, you shouldnt even think about going to a SL. But yes red gives more treasure. except the red ones with hearts on them, they only give hearts.
what demon said.
get a flourish/snarble barb, a shadow sword (nightblade/faust lines), and an elemental sword and/or an elemental gun.