Chapter 1:
It was a crispy-cold day in haven, the snow was falling down, the snipes were chirping... Until I heard a huge crash. Nobody seemed to bother to check it, it was almost like that nobody even heard it. I followed the black smoke into a dark alley. I saw something...but I couldn't make up the picture, I put on my night vision goggle accessory. Nope, nothing. The smoke wouldn't clear up too. I started running, even though I couldn't see anything, I had an uneasy feeling that something bad was going to happen, from bumping into a tree, or running into a monster. I tried calling one of my friends, but I had no reception, so I was all alone in the dark, smokey alley. After a while, the smoke started bothering my breathing, a few minutes later, I collapsed.
I woke up, wondering where I was. The smoke started to clear up...I saw an elevator. I looked at the energy cost; 20. "You've got to be kidding me!" I said. I called some friends to help me with this. Still, nobody picked up. I guess I had to do this alone. I stepped into the elevator, but something strange happened. The elevator didn't go up, it shot me straight up to the skies... I was screaming in terror, I needed to throw up. I closed my eyes for a few seconds, and ended up in a danger room.
"Great, to make my day even worse..." I muttered.
But then, another patch of smoke came up... I saw my friend.
"So great to see you!" I cried,
"Same with me." my friend said.
There's something terribly wrong with the danger room, I don't know what it is, but I have a really uneasy feeling in this place... Blackness started to cover the room...
"SWARMS!" I cried out to my friend, I tried to find a way out, but there was a monster gate, so I really have to beat these guys... My friend and I drew our swords and raised our shields.
It is time to fight.
Items: Ash Tail Cap and Armour
Swords: Avenger and Silent Nightblade
Guns: NONE
Bombs: NONE
15 Vitapods.
Items: Snarbolax Cap and Armour
Swords: Divine Avenger
Guns: Argent Peacemaker
Bombs: Graviton Vortex
20+ Vitapods
NOTE: There may be some flaws in this story, and chapter two will be finished....until next week, maybe?
Want to be in this story? Fill this out
Monster or Knight?
If monster fill out this:
Type of monster:
If knight, answer all of those questions EXCEPT for the last one.
Skills:Has strong resistance to ice, can sometimes use energy to create ice
Weapons:BlizzardHale(Read Spiralstory's last chapter for details), Vile Striker, Horned Owlite Shield, Ash Tail Set
Details:A very experienced fighter, Frostrex is very dangerous, but reckless.
It doesn't have to be your actual knight does it?