Yo guys! I've recently converted to gunslinger, and have 3 slots for weps. I was thinking about bringing a bomb along with me. Any ideas as to what bomb I should put in the third slot? I use a Volt Driver and a Shadow Driver. Much appreciated. XD
Gun Bomb Build
Someone suggested a Graviton vortex or Electron Vortex, are these good, they do make my targets all clumped up together and stuff..
With your weapons, I don't really see the point. The goal of Vortex is to clump mobs together so you can charge an aoe attack in the pack. Since both your guns don't have any aoe, there is no real point (i don't count ricochets as aoe because they are finite).
They are good if you play in a party and people charge in it, but only when reaching at least 4*. The 5* version is really great (although it could use a walking speed buff).
Ah ok. Looks like I'll be aiming for DBB then. XD But the Graviton would do well with a da or faust right?
Not that much if you are solo because DA and faust charge is too long to be used before the vortex detonate, and when doing the full combo in the vortex, you are going to be hit more often than not. The best combo is with Brandish lines, which have a very short charge time, useful status, and an aoe charge, if you go for combo. Or Voltaic Tempest, because shocked clumped mobs = ultra carnage (tho you'll need a good finisher).
a vortex bomb is good for alchemer line guns cause their charge attack basically reach full potential when fired at a packed mob
iv seen the amount of destruction a vortex can do when combined with alchemer charge attack and its pretty impressive
polaris is also good for firing into that pack
Not entirely true. The alchemer regular shots require precision, and spinning mobs tend to spin randomly, with the corners of their hitbox at wierd angles at you.
The charge shots suffer the same problem, with the ball potentially just bouncing off the first victim and not ricocheting. Yes, it does seem pretty amazing when you line up a perfect charge into a vortex that just happened to gather mobs into that ball. But then that's it.
I wouldn't bother charging shots just for a spinnning vortex. A polaris, much as I hate to say, beats out the alchemer in this situation. Just treat the vortex mob as one monster, and fire to your right in hopes that you don't clip a corner and bounce the shot out.
As a group, it works nicely with alchemers. My mate fires firo drivers into my vortex'd mobs while I just spam the vortex and teh fire/status spreads nicely while letting the ricochet spam do it's job, not having to worry about stopping to switch to bombs.
But as a solo it kinda sounds like too much work and a lot of quick reactions, while still relying on potential screw-ups.
For gun/bombs I'd probably get a status gun, and/or polaris, a high damage gun and fast dps bombs; thinkin' DBB, RSS etc.
You could twist it around and use somethin' like shiver+polaris, or VT+firotech. Let the haze bombs linger around status's and kite them through it while firing complimenting status' at them with guns. That sounds like fun! :D
But wouldn't the shock from the polaris break the ice? Or would they get re-frozen quickly enough?
Depending on how many you dropped, and when you fired, the shots could break the ice, but keeping them KB'd/shocked and forcing them to stay in the shiver rad (especially as you keep dropping more) will keep them pretty mcuh stuck being KBd/shocked/frozen in the area of your choice.
Dark Briar Barrage to have a proper piercing weapon ?
Anyway, you should probably start by reading the bomber guide on the wiki.