Constructs? Or nothing? :o Because there are two types of damage bonus, damage bonus with the equipment like Skolver (which gives damage bonus to all types of monsters for swords) or damage bonus by an unique variant on weapons like (for example) damage bonus versus constructs medium. What do you think?
Which type of "monsters" are knights in lockdown?

We're Players, or Knights if you will. We don't have the weakness factors that the hostile inhabitants of the Clockworks do, and as such will only ever take additional damage from Knights who're using strength-increasing equipment.
Therefore, we are a completely separate category of our own that do not fit in the big picture of vulnerabilities.

Well, mostly anything in the wolver lines are wolvers? Just go with how some of the sets go, relating to most of the monsters in Cradle and how they look, just what I think.
get all different kinds of uv's or dmg bonus from gear and burn urself with fang of vog charge to test it fast and easy
dmg bonus vs everything increases burn on urself
E:owait im pretty sure a support mail is faster and easier and almost as accurate as a test, theyll probably tell u

Advance versions of Trainign Hall's shufflebots. We have no resistance/weakness and normally have low life without any built-in attack.
Thanks god we wear armor on top and have arms to use swords and guns else we are as useless as them.

My armor says i am resistant to piercing and weak to elemental damage.
But all this seems petty in front of a motherfuc#ing barbarous thorn blade

Shufflebots can spin around and kill you.
I would know because I had a party in advanced training hall (Like woo-hoo pary, not group party) where everybody died.
We were surrounded by shufflebots.

everyone wears Skolver and wields a Final Flourish/BTB
piercing damage and piercing resistance = slime
plus the fact that all we actually see of a knight's body is an blob with no particular shape and two large eyes

Some are slimes.
Some are fiends.
And a few are just beasts.
I'm pretty sure we're just nothing. Though I am not aware of anyone doing testing for this.
Plus, if we were construct, then toothpicks wouldn't be as useful lol. Everyone would use only elemental or shadow weapons.