So, the new Metal Sonic costume is quite cool, and I'm kinda thinking about rounding one up. I already have, though, a White Rose set, that I wear pretty much all the time. I don't really want to shell out for a Sonic suit unless I figure it's something that I'm actually going to use fairly consistently, and I'm just not convinced that it is. So, the question is which is cooler: White Rose or Metal Sonic? If you had both, which would you wear more often? Cast your votes! Help me decide what I should do.
Metal Sonic vs. White Rose

The suit has replaced my costume for Twins runs, when combined with a Quicksilver helm, it looks kind of like power armor.

I think in two years the metal sonic set will rise purely based on the number of unbound sets in circulation
It will be worth more, but white regalia looks so awesome with a final flourish...

Real Men don't use Frilly, Fancy Dresses.

So, Ironskull, you're saying that real men, instead, dress up like cartoon hedgehogs? Questionable... =P
Thanks for the input, though, guys! I'm still undecided...

I'm pretty fond of my Metal Sonic set. I've never been a huge fan of the rose sets, though they do look reasonably dapper and pair well with certain accessories. I haven't seen many accessories that work well with either the Metal Sonic or the Plasmatech since they both have a fairly distinctive shiny blue texture (though the plasmatech and sonic pieces might mix well. You could pick up the battle pack if you haven't already and then buy the sonic set with the CE), but then I'm not really big on accessories in general.

Gifting me a Plasmatech Demo suit?

Anyone have a pic of the Metal Sonic mask with the Plasmatech suit? If not i can maybe grab one in about an hour

@Ironskullkid Sadly there's no way to gift the Plasmatech demo suit unless someone feels really generous and sends you one of the battle packs in the battle royale pack.
... which, in the spirit of giving, I entirely encourage someone to do. Why not.

@Nicoya-Kitty If someone Gifted me the Demo Suit, I will seriously Give them ALL of my 7000CE. ALL. OF. IT.

My lord... I know my costume when I start on a bomber set for my Mercurial Demo set in the future.

I tried the plasma/sonic combinations. The hat looks a bit off-coloured to match the suit imo.
Altough the sonic suit matches the plasmatech bombhead pretty nicely

It is kinda Off-Color, but the reason I want it, is because it looks like a Tilted Cobalt Helm, like my Costume. (Not how my Guy looks now, just a Future Look.)
It makes me look like I Spiral Raged.

I don't particularly like the Sonic set, so I'll cast a vote for the Rose set (though I don't particularly like the Rose stuff either...).
As long as you don't stick a Tails Tails on your Sonic set, it's all good.

I'm yet to see anyone actually do it, but I think absolutely everyone's at least had a cheeky wee look in the Preview window :D
Guess I'm not surprised D:
Most likely the White Rose. The Metal Sonic costume wasn't as good as I had expected.