There have been a few fashion shows in our Spiral Knights world, and some of our more fashion-challenged brothers and sisters may have been felling a little left-out-in-the-cold. Therefore, Mawashimono would like to have an Un-Fashion show in Haven 13 plaza during the later of the two American Football playoff games. There will be no attempt at organization whatsoever. If the mob comes to some kind of consensus about our worst fashion offenders, Mawashimono will post their names here afterwards. In order to promote an environment of hilarity, those players wearing Jelly Crowns, Ancient Plate Helms, or the new and proudly acquired Sonic suits and tails are especially encouraged to attend, as well as any and all professional SK clowns (Jim-Dale? Chris? You reading this? But of course you are...). Those who spend millions on color-coordinated accessories and others easily offended by the, shall we say, mis-application of accessories and costumes may wish to forego viewing this social function (Ruby? Pawn? Magnus? Move along, nothing you'd be interested in seeing here...). Laughter and general light-hearted derision are welcome as long as it is done in a spirit of humility and fun. And if I'm the only who shows up, well, at least I'll have the game to watch streaming on my computer.
Mawashimono proposes the "Un-Fashion" show for Sun., Jan. 22, 6:30 - 8:30 PM ET
"Therefor, Mawashimono would like to have an Un-Fashion show in Haven 13 plaza during the later of the two American Football playoff games.
to be hilarious. it was slightly saddening that my name wasn't mentioned on that list. :( (of super-well coordinated and awesomeness)
Nothing I'd be interested in? For shame, Mawa!
This sounds awesome. I'll try to attend if I can. : )
@ Rommil - My leaving you OFF the list was my way of giving you a good poke in the ribs.
@ Rubyeclipse - Thank you for the prize donations. We now have a green rose tabard and chapeau and a blue rose tabard and chapeau to give out to four lucky fashion misfits. If you know me in-game, you will not get one. These are for (apparently) clueless noobie types who just enough to read forums but not enough to dress apropos (like that word?).
i sent a fantastically rare and ugly prize to be handed out. Divne barrel belly. woot woot.
may this be a rousing success.
We'll have the most humorous looking and the most awful looking. We'll give out the hats to the funny-looking players, and the chaps to the awful looking players. The divine barrel belly is almost too nice for this get-together, but we'll find a good way to award it.
Reads post #6,
logs onto SK,
deletes from friend's list............kidding.
After what the Giants did to my Packers, I would like to watch them lose........badly.
But, I will still try to attend this event. I guess I could always do both.
Here was my outfit for this contest
there's a plume on the back of the helmet too.
-EDIT-Is there going to be a winners gallery? or were you able to get pictures?
Thank you to everyone who showed up for some good-natured fun, and to Rubyeclipse and Rommil for their prize donations. It's the most I've ever laughed on Spiral Knights.
Most hilaroius prize winners are:
Saidxp (Blue Tabard)
Royal-Diviner (Blue Chapeau)
Natashavolkova (Green Tabard)
Divine-Cookie (Green Chapeau)
Most hideous prize winners are:
Saphire-Drago-Bane (Brandish vs Beast VH)
Pentangled (Brandish vs Beast VH)
Ignaeon (Nightblade vs Construct VH)
Xairathan (Iceburst Brandish vs Fiend VH)
Special Prize for Barrel-of-Laughs: Fruits (Divine Barrel Belly)
Special Prize for unlocking his inner-ugliness: Nardcore (Silver Key)
With the new hunter colors, it might be time for another one of these...
Perfect. I was looking for a competition I could win.
Would it be possible for me to help judge?
I've been tempted to mix my Ancient Plate with my Metal Sonic set, but fear causing a total protonic reversal.
I had to use my swiftstrike shield as a sort of control rod while taking this screenshot to avoid a potentially catastrophic reaction