On a side note, it's hilarious using the electron vortex + BTB combo to beat the Snarbolax in record time...
Why are there not any videos of this???
On a side note, it's hilarious using the electron vortex + BTB combo to beat the Snarbolax in record time...
Why are there not any videos of this???
I really despise people who do not know anything about danger rooms. Sometimes when i want be granted free permission to tier 2 i encounter a danger room, ignoring it. Some of the unknowledgeable, lazy party members in my party ignore the warning at the gate, and are rewared with nothing but death. Whenever i encounter a danger room and a curious party member glances at the door i frantically type "No!", hoping to prevent him from open the gate, once again his lack of knowledge ultimately kills him.
1. People who spam those follow and help emotes (among others), especially the help one as they lay there, dead. I know that you're dead, and I am planning on revving you, I promise! I want to finish off these mobs that are attacking me before I run over there and take aggro from the mobs you were supposedly to be killing, that's all. Have some patience please.
2. People who ask for help, and then get uppity and annoyed when you don't provide it fast enough. I'm doing you a favour because you're a friend/guildie/I felt like being nice, but when you start whining at me for being slow or for not going as much out of my way as you think I should, I get a lot less charitable and probably won't help you again in the future.
3. People who run and hide or lag behind a lot during runs so they don't have to fight the monsters.
@sylvanius people who can't listen are worse.
I was sort of hinting at that when I mentioned "people who won't try to fix their reading problem", but yeah, that's a whole 'nother problem all on its own.
1. *dies in LD* *sees player idle or screwing around at the spawning point* WTFBBQ are you guys standing there for, GET IN THE BATTLE FIELD DAMMIT!
The worst was this one player, He AFKs in LD 3 freaking times in a row , why the hell is he in LD in the first place is beyond me.
2. *gets invited to party* Oo you're in vana... wait why would i join if you're like in depth 27. Not gonna do it with one token.
3. *gets invited to party* *lands near the elevator* .... If there is such thing as friendly fire I'd be abusing it right now.
@Scourgething I hate when people vehemently REFUSE to join me at a TIER 1 DANGER ROOM when I clearly have more than adequate equipment for it.
Also people that take the first elevator out of an arena.
@zelvest you know you could just ask/check where people are before instantly joining...
Actually I always will ask first. Just that there was once where i clicked on it accidentally and there goes my 10 energy. >_> Sorry but I find it stupid that people just invite when they're at the end of the level, for what purpose? To troll? And this happened before even when the ele pass wasn't introduced.
Just thought of two more things:
1. People that already have the "low energy" icon even at the beginning of a tier.
2. People that use their name in every sentence
-People that go on Vanaduke runs and say they're going but they ditch the group by going up on the last elevator and drop a ton of pills and remedies.
-Snooties and beggars
-T1 in T3
-People playing in Lockdown T3 with 1* items fighting for a bombheadmask on my team.
-Launching Lumbers across the room to make them hit team mates... (same with trojans)
-Random friend requesters after begging for 200 crystal energy.
-AFKers in the middle of a Vanarun while they're the last one alive...
1. A guy in Snarb gear, he must be pretty goo- DAMNIT WHY DID YOU DIE
2. Why the hell are you opening that T3 danger room? You have Freaking T2 weapons.
Yes, I got banned because of some moronic little kid whom tried to step to me, I shut them down. Yet I get banned? Maybe the staff shouldn't have put a no filter option in the game. Due to I was improperly banned, I find that to be completely idiotic. On the fact that these kids are more annoying then most, let alone they don't get in trouble for going at me, yet I'm the one whom gets banned. Also, incase the staff doesn't know: I'm extremely blunt, honest, truthful, direct, and down to the point. Maybe you'll think about removing the no filter option now. Due the fact I was banned? I'm not a kid, I'm well over 18 and I can't curse? Why is there an option for no filter if It's just going to get you banned. Is this the secret technique of the staff to make more money? Ban users whom pay a good amount so they're forced to pay more on a new account they have to make?
Anyways, here's my list of things that annoy the hell out of me.
1. Not typing fully proper sentences.
2. Kids trying to troll me
3. Illiterates
4. Ninjas ( People whom loot everything )
5. People whom kick you due to lag, maybe if there wasn't four people with a crapload of stuff on that's animated there wouldn't be any lag. Also, the staff seriously needs to get better servers overall, or pay for better hosting, either way.
6. These kids whom go at you, you fight back, then you get warned or banned while they roam free.
8. People whom think they're smart when they're actually not.
9. Non-Intellectuals
10. Moronic novices whom beg
11. [No religious or ethnic insults allowed. -Eurydice]
12. Kids whom cannot RP worth a damn (Example: This kid came up to me and stated "hits kushy". What's wrong with this? Oh so much let alone they never typed anything properly.)
13. The fact on kids trying to call me stupid yet never type properly at all, quit being so damned hypocritical.
14. People whom don't know english trying to type it.
15. The fact I'm the only one whom ever seems to get in trouble, yet there's much worse people out there then me
16. The fact no one can differentiate between typing and talking/saying/etc.
17 The fact everyone assumes I fight, when I'm actually just shutting people down with no effort. You need to really know what fighting is. Everything I "Fight" is merely a disagreement.
18. People whom don't have wolver tails, yet calling you a "noob" When they sold out and got the tails tails? You need to understand this, and very well: I got my first tail, from my first lockbox that I got from a wheel spin, It was also the first box I opened. So don't try to rag on me, because your luck sucks alright?
19. The lag of this game. I mean come on, I've seen better games which didn't lag. My internet does not suck, nor does my computer. For example. I had 512 MB of RAM Years ago, yet I could play World of Warcraft just fine. THat game is a hell of alot more graphics demanding then this one, so why does it lag so badly?
I'll add more if I think about them
Bumped so the staff can't ignore this, I will keep bumping it until they read. You can all try to ignore, but I won't stop :3
Nah, I'll just make it so you can't bump threads anymore.
The appropriate venue for protesting a penalty is here. The appropriate venue for personal attacks, bump spam, and ethnic/religious slurs is nowhere on these forums.
so angry! So VERY VERY angry!
Need a backrub? Platonic, of course.
1) Any area involving yellow/purple switches. Although I must apologise to anyone who parties with me for this one, especially the guy I ran Roarmulus with, I do carry two alchemers. Bouncy bullets can cause problems...
2) People you end up reviving a lot. I was on a Vana run which didn't get to the wheel spawners in the first room because I kept reviving the other two, and then I got hit myself.
3) People who beg for revives. Two incidents come to mind.
Arena: "Revive me I'm good". If you're so good, why have you died about 3 times? Yeah, your sword may be pretty strong, but you don't know how to use it!
Deconstruction Zone, guy was pinned down by two turrets, and a mob of gremlins. Let me take those guys out first! If I rush in there all that's gonna happen is I'm gonna get hit.
4) Meatshields who revive. Please hold your pride and realise that as long as you stay there I can use your corpse for cover!
5) Those that don't drop their stuff before heading up.
Me: Wait! No! It's shooting a laser! Don't touch that switch! forget the rockets! WHAT THE--
Other Guy: Each test chamber is equipped with an emancipation grid. TROLOLOL!
Me: :\
"1. A guy in Snarb gear, he must be pretty goo- DAMNIT WHY DID YOU DIE"
You have no idea how annoying it is when people who assume, because I'm wearing Snarby armor, that I am invincible.
I had an experience similar to that today, i went to a wildwoods run on a lark and the leader kept making sure everyon knew what they were doing when we got to snarby.
I was wearing my Snarbolax coat as a costume, had a BTB and BTS equipped along with a spine cone, all of which were very obviously visible. -.-