As we all know, the Concrete Jungle series of levels are by far the hardest stratum in the game. Poison zombies are ridiculously overpowered in conjunction with totems, and even after Three Rings nerfed them they remain the single most dangerous subset of enemies you will encounter in the Clockworks. Up until now I think I can speak for all of us when I say there was simply no effective way of dealing with them... at least until now. After many painstaking hours of zombie research and tactical planning, myself and Rock-Zombie have finally found a way of defeating these highly dangerous adversaries;
Now I'm sure many of you are already hitting yourselves, for not thinking of this ingenious strategy before, but I'm sure many of you are also curious as to how you can apply this strategy elsewhere. Whilst poison zombies are obviously the most dangerous of zombies, some people even have difficulty with those measily fire zombies in that boss stratum that's really a joke compared to the harsh dangers of the Concrete Jungle. Still, some people aren't as skilled as you so if you find someone in need of assistance what you should do is provide them appropriate tactical support;
Now don't all rush out at once, these anti-zombie tactical measures do take a lot of skill to execute properly, you will need to practice them on easier targets first. Also when in doubt, bring a totem with you, you never know when you will need to carry your team.
So do you have tactical anti-zombie strategies? Share them! The more ways we have of taking down these devilish adversaries, the more chance we have of preventing the inevitable zombie apocaylpse.
Truly, you are the most brilliant, helpful, and no-doubt handsome tactical genius of all time.