Lets say Im trying to make a 4-star shield for example.. I know about the materials thats a no brainer BUT when it asks for lets say a lesser level "level 5+" shield to throw into the mix how to I aquire this? I know if I buy one from the weapon vendor or the AH and equip it to level it to 5 wont it be bound and then I wont be able to sell the shield at the AH right? Only been playin a week and grinding but Im sittin on all these materials and recipes I learned and would like to start actually crafting when Im waiting on energy to recharge. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
Crafting question
Sat, 01/21/2012 - 08:45

Sat, 01/21/2012 - 09:13

You heat the equipment to
You heat the equipment to level 5. Yes it has to be bound. Yes, bound items cannot be sold on the AH.
Unbind costs for each * item. As a general rule, items 4* or 5* are not worth the unbind cost to sell. One can buy all the materials and energy required to make the item, and still cheaper than the unbind costs. This is because all players trying to sell such 4/5* items need to sell above the unbind costs in order to make a profit.
Anything 3* and below is worth crafting and reselling on ah, provided that you did not equip said armour and binding it.
Sat, 01/21/2012 - 11:58

Its on purpose to avoid people selling high level stuff to newbies for a cheap price. The need to unbind adds extra value.
You can unbind an item.
I haven't done that, so I don't know how much it costs.