Looks like Three Rings is making even more promotional items than ever. If the Tabards/Chapeaus were bad enough, the stupid tails tail came along, and if the wound wasn't deep enough, they added a metal sonic suit. Sure, let's just keep pouring salt and acid over the economy as we brutally stab it to death.
Promotional items are a fine idea, but the problem with it is that it's going to ruin the economy and literally put it on steroids. It'll rise quick with the sudden influx of energy, and fall farther than ever when the supply is drained by the so-called "value" of promotional items. Why? Because people are idiotic and greedy. People will charge rather obscene amounts of CE for these costume items and accessories. And in doing so, it'll waste the CE in our economy. This could easily be solved if all promotional items were bound immediately when obtained.
The fact is, there are better items to use as costumes than these. You could use low or high quality armor as a decent costume, it's not that hard. But since it's a limited-edition item, everyone's logic will be "It doesn't matter if this thing sucks, if there's a limited supply it should be worth a million CE"
In a nutshell, Promotional items should be bound when obtained to prevent the economy from being wrecked. The items were meant to be a small bonus for you, not an extra profit. Whenever Three Rings makes tradable promos they lose money because people sell promos for high amounts of CE, which lowers their chances of buying more CE since they have too much of it on their hands.
Don't start whining when CE prices rise anywhere from 9k to 12k. There are already greedy idiots who are trying to manipulate the market to get instant, free profit. I've just explained two things that cause Three Rings to lose money in this thread, I wouldn't be surprised if there were any other flaws in the game that decrease the company's profit in even the slightest. Because let's face it: Three Rings doesn't care about anything as long as they're making money. You've got an idea? Too bad, nobody cares and it will NEVER make it in the game unless it helps Three Rings get loads of extra dosh. Sorry but it's the truth. Spiral Knights is pay-to-win.
First of all, supply and demand. Not everyone wants/cares about cosmetic items, and as a result, they won't waste CE on that. Lets say that's around 50% of the player base.
Next, go on AH and check out the prices of the items. A Tails Tails can probably be fetched for under 100k bidding, and same on each of the sonic sets. Why? Competition. It's a perfectly competitive market, meaning NOBODY can charge obscene amounts of CE -- nobody's going to buy for greater than 3200 CE, for instance (Boost sells at that), so the only way to go is down. With the promotion, this actually DECREASES the prices of said promotion items -- people that get them but dont want them will try and sell. My friend recently put a Tails Tails on a 1cr bid for 4 hours, and she got 96k out of the deal. Far from an "obscene amount of CE."
And lastly, you fail to remember that these promotions throw 3500 CE or 7500 CE into the market. That's enough to cause a slight dip in CE prices, at least in the scope I've noticed. And in the long term? The old rose sets did this, yes, but the new ones? You'll be hard pressed to sell a gold set for >6k CE, because there are SO MANY of them. And any good deal has other merchants interjecting, with "5.99k CE" and so on. A perfectly competitive market is the key. Don't assume that since they're limited, people can price them however they wish -- supply and demand, my dear Watson.
If "winning" is collecting ever costume/cosmetic item, then yes, SK is absolutely pay-to-win. For those of us that actually plays the game, this changes nothing.