Currently I've seen three styles of bomb blasts:
Concussive circle (immediate explosion in a circular pattern)
Multistage circle(immediate explosion with a delayed 1.5 second status from a 'mist' in a circular pattern)
8-directional shrapnel(Tiny circle that fires off some sort of pieces in each of the eight circular directions)
I'd like to see possibly some revamps to some of the less-used bombs or new bombs altogether that maybe use some other blast patterns, for instance:
Cone(similar to the breaths from some of the skeletons or upper tier flamethrowers)
4-direction lance(Concussive blast that fires out and does good damage in each of the cardinal directions)
Single-spot(Large damage to a very small circle)
It's creative, I'll give you that. Actually, I'd like to see some of these ideas implemented with guns. Flamethrower, anyone?
Other ideas:
A bomb that has extreme concussion but does little damage (to push enemies away)
A bomb that implodes (sucks enemies in while dealing damage)
A bomb that has multiple, delayed detonations (like when you beat a boss in Zelda and they have several explosions at random locations for about five seconds).
Great thread!