For those who came to buy, NO! I do not have this item, and I doubt anyone ever will. But, I was just wondering, if there was a Wolver Coat/Cap, as those seem to be the most popular armor choices, with three Max UVs (example: elemental, pierce, and shadow all at Max), how much do you think this would go for? And what do you think would be the most expensive combo?
*Hypothetical* 3 Max UV Wolver coat/cap
I think normal, shock, and pierce would be the highest due to people trying to one up each other with gear in LD
LD: I'd say Max Shock, Max Normal, Max Pierce. Ele/Shadow would work too I guess, but I'd see normal as a bit more useful.
Clockworks: I'm a fan of status resistances. So Max Fire + Max Shock + Max Normal into a snarby would be boss. Max Normal + Max Shadow + Max Fire on a Snarby would be equally effective.
I'm disappointed.
I would've expected you to go with something non-mainstream.
Max Shock, Max Stun and Max Pierce will get a pretty high price. People forget that most people buy good gear like this for guild LD not regular LD which mean bombers and toothpicks everywhere.
For me it will be MAX shock + Normal + piercing wolver coat
paired up with MAX freeze, Normal + Shadow magic hood
Most expensive would be
Max shock max NORMAL max piercing
250k ce +
what id love none the less, dream sets you could say :)
. clockwork running T1/T2 . dont need shadow on T1 or T2 really so this would be my dream setup
Vog Coat cap: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX shock
Skolver coat: MAX normal . MAX piercing . MAX stun
+ Barb Thorn Shield: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX piercing
+ Elite Slash Module
+ Penta Heart Pendant
. Jelly King set id love . could replace the fire and stun with elemental but not as worthwhile really
Skolver cap: MAX normal . MAX piercing . MAX fire
Skolver coat: MAX normal . MAX piercing . MAX stun
+ Barb Thorn Shield: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX piercing
+ Elite Quick Strike Module
+ Penta Heart Pendant
. FSC . this set since my DA is VH ASI + H CTR :P
Divine Veil: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX shadow
Deadshot Mantle: MAX normal . MAX fire . MAX stun
+ Crest Of Almire: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX shadow
+ Penta Heart Pendant
+ Penta Heart Pendant
. FSC . if you wanted a wolver setup
Vog SET: MAX normal . MAX Shadow . MAX stun
+ Crest Of Almire: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX shadow
+ Penta Heart Pendant
+ Penta Heart Pendant
. T3 runs where you have shadow monsters
Snarbolax SET: MAX normal . MAX shadow . MAX whatever :)
+ Crest Of Almire: MAX normal . MAX elemental . MAX shadow
+ Elite Quick Strike Module
+ Penta Heart Pendant
Triple Max's - SLEEP, CURSE, and Normal. I doubt it'd be worth more than a max ele coat, but I'd pump a few hundered CE out go get a set of this wonderful triad of trip max
@Tennis Darn, I trolled myself. *sadface*
New ideal coat: Max Poison, Max Stun, Max Sleep. If only, sleep. D:
What about a set of Ash Tail armor with 6 Max UVs total (Normal, Pierce, Shadow, Elemental, Shock, Stun)... Imagine that. Just imagine it and drool. And when you combine the Helm and Body don't you get a Max Freeze by default?
Can you get double Max on anything - like a double max normal? I'd love that on a divine veil/
I got a single max (max normal) on a Cobalt helm. Anyone know its worth?
Why? Why would you do that on this thread? Why would you inflict the poor innocent people who just want to discuss 3 Max armors with your shameless advertising? There is a bazaar for a reason, go ask there.
Realnight: Unfortunately, we can only have one attribute once, so you can't get two Max Normals.
As for what's worth the most, Max Shock, Max Normal, Max Piercing would be my guess. Beastly PvP Skolver. I'd personally want Max Fire, Max Normal, and Max Ele on a Snarby, since boo hiss PvP. ;c
The most expensive would probably be Shock/Piercing/Sleep, because people will spend ungodly amounts to get shock and piercing UVs for PvP, coupled with the fact that Sleep UVs can no longer be obtained.
What would I want? Shadow/Fire/Curse. I'm looking to make a Snarby set, and that would pretty much have me set to use it anywhere.
Most Expensive:
Max Shock, Max Normal, Max Piercing
Probably a nice 250k CE, I mean, a freaking Double Max Wolver sold for what, 80k? Or was it 125k? /shrug
What 3 I'd want for PvE?
Snarby: Max Fire, Max Elemental, Max Piercing
Vog: Max Freeze, Max Piercing, Max Shadow
Skolver: Max Fire, Max Elemental, Max Shadow