A reward to every beta tester!
Actually, the only reward that we will receive, for now, is a bonus energy when the game goes to full release, but, this bonus isn't a permanent bonus, and isn't intended to every palyer, just the ones that bought Crystal energy.
What i'm suggesting is a permanent, visual reward to every beta tester. For example: every closed beta tester that comes and register at the open beta, when it release, will get a full set of 3 armors, to choose how he would like to look. these armors would be horrible, in terms of status, but quite good looking, maybe with the inscritpion "BETA" at the armor, or the greek symbol for beta in both armor and helm. the 3 armors would remember the 3 begginging armor, but with looks that no one else could get, making as a form of thanks for all the colaboration that we gave to you during this test (massagin own ego).
I can't stress enough that it need to be a untreadable reward, that can't be sold to npcs, either, and that would not give any status, functioning as a visual equip only! And i can't stress enough that the reward need to be permanet, and non monetary related, just for us to show the newcomers who helped to develop the game, as the testers we are.

A poncho that says noob on it, that you can never take off.
Best present ever.
Actually, i would agrre with it, but only if you could remove it some times >_<. But surelly would be epic if you can go in a full city wearing noob all your face..this could be one of the sets, but not the only one. Also, Rose, thanks for the thread, didn't found it last time i got there. Well, if we will have a surprise, them, i'm not discussing it anymore, let it be a sursprise ^^.
This was mentioned a little bit in a previous thread here. One of the devs, Cory, wrote:
I don't want to commit to anything specific yet, but on the team, we've definitely spoken about giving our Preview Event folk a humble gift of some sort, to express our gratitude. We shall see!
I definitely agree with you in that if there is a reward, it should be purely cosmetic and not give older players an upperhand over newer ones.