Is it REALLY that valuable?
How much would a magikat cap go for in the AH?

If you are talking about CR, the Magikat Hat is THE most rare item in the game because it really can only obtained if you are a Game Master, or work for OOO and want to mess around with it. I don't think this will ever make its way to the public because of the rarity of it. If it were to pop onto AH through a featured page it will make the buyer VERY happy.
CE: 250k ($600)
CR: 20-25m ^(Something around that)^
Its something I would guess, I'm no master merchant but it's a thought. Dont hate me if I'm wrong.
It also depends on how many are released. If there are 5 released on AH the prices would range.

..It'd go for tens of millions.

i bet my dollars to your donuts that it will eventually be a token item, just like quicksilver helms were eventually turned into token items.
something to do with the Kat Academy and a main gremilken boss, followed by token items.
mewkat hat/purring kathat
a shadow bomb that has a 180 degree forward attack that is a gremilkin bite.
A shadow sword designed like the cutter that looks like the one's phantoms carry. (shadow damage equivalent of FOV)
those would be my guesses.

if there was one in the AH it'd probably go for b/w 5-9m. But i'm guessing around 5-6 more realistically. I don't think anything will get back into the 8m range of prismatic wings did a couple times, since we all know that they'll be cycling back through over and over.
hehe. what you are really asking is:
how much would rubyeclipse pay for this item? and would Mbcscp make a go at it too, thus bidding it up astronomically high.

Yay Rommil made a prediction about a shadow damage DPS bomb, I am okay with this.

You sure it can only be obtained by being an employee?
I was hoping there was some way you could get it.
There's probably one in a million chance of getting it, I guess.
But I'd like to take those chances.

Saying that it was never IN the game to the public and its on the wiki I think the only way to get it is when you have the OOO gm or worker game mode. Which makes them run faster and have GM apparel.

What if they're messing with us and making it always drop from invincible monsters like the Grimalkin?
Insert Conspiracykeanu.jpeg
non craftable, non purchasable, only found through random drops in a game that rarely gives them...
yes, yes it is. Unless, you are REALLY hurting for cash, hold onto that baby, you'll most likely never see one again.