Hey, this may be similar to the post down below but I'm wondering which gun is better in FSC. I'm thinking of Argent Peace Maker or Volt Driver. I'm not looking for anything specific. Just want a well-rounded gun.
FSC Gun (Not Boss)
You have several options depending on what you intend to do, but first let me state this : there is no BEST gun. There are a few guns that are viable, and which one you choose depends on your preference. They all have pros and cons.
First, if you want one and only one gun, with awesome mobility but not that great dps, you'll probably want an Argent Peacemaker. Due to its split damage, it does slightly more than normal on both undeads and fiends.
If you intend to take at least 2 guns, forget about Argent Peacemaker and take 2 non-split damage guns, one elemental and one piercing (except if you really love the mobility)
For the elemental, you have 2 choices : either Polaris or an Alchemer. Polaris have the significant drawback of being VERY hard to use without annoying your teamates, that's why it's generally more a side-arm than a main elemental gun. That's why a real gunner will generally go for an alchemer. Which one you take is up to you, all 4 are good, although obviously the fire one is sub-par in FSC.
For the piercing one, Callahan is not good for FSC, because there is almost no dodger (that's what the Callahan is useful against). On contrary, the Blitz Needle can kill Trojans with only one charge, and can even outdamage elemental guns on zombies because of its charge which does huge damages. On the cons, it suffers from a VERY low mobility, which can be worked around with enough experience. The other piercing gun, Plague Needle, can poison, but does a lot less damage than Blitz. From my calculations, the poison doesn't make up for the loss of damage at all (save perhaps some very specific situations, namely 3 Blitz + 1 Plague).
I really see 5 guns in FSC (excluding their downgraded versions). In order from most to least common (IMO)...
1) Blitz Needle
This is mainly used for Vana. However, it also the most swift method of executing Trojans once you got the rhythm down. My own Blitz has an anti-undead UV's, so it does like 150 damage per charge shot (x15 shots). Its a good welcoming gesture when a dozen or so zombies rise from the floor.
2) Argent Peacemaker
Crits (somewhat) against everything in FSC short of the 4(?) Wolvers and 8(?) Jellies. Good all round spamable weapon, without people getting all that mad at you.
3) Polaris
Massive AOE, knockback, and status effects. Its an effective tool to control huge hordes of Zombies... it is NOT an effective method of killing zombies. If you wan an effective weapon to kill zombies then...
4) Storm Driver / Nova Driver
More common with FSC Gunslinger, it is one of the most effective anti-zombie guns. The huge hordes are ideal for the multiple ricochets of the Drivers.
Blitz > Polaris + Argent Peacemaker + Volt/Storm/Nova Driver in term of killing zombies.
I could kill 2 - 3 zombies close to each other with single charge + very high damage bonus. (1 to 3 man party)
I take a Blitz and Polaris down there and use both. Working on getting a Nova Driver up at the moment, but I don't know how much use I'll find for it in FSC.
Polaris with Max damage is an excellent gun for zombies in groups. In the zombie-swarm rooms where all the zombies line up for you in a nice group, you can easily hit 5-6 times with three expanded bullets at 250 damage a pop, plus another ten or so 23 damage side hits, for a grand total of 1500-2000 damage on the 3-shot clip. That's quite good, and it also knocks them back and shocks them.
In the four-buttons room you can hit all four buttons for lulz and just take one of the corners for yourself while using the knockback to keep the zombies away. Also the rocket puppy room shock trick, and it deals good damage to the wheel shooters. And, of course, it's an excellent gun on the flamethrower puppies.
Polaris is a pretty terrible gun for small numbers of mobile targets.
Blitz, on the other hand, is an excellent single-target gun, although you usually want to target the zombies that are standing together so you can kill them together. Couples pretty well with a vortex bomb. Will usually cause you to get hit by zombies because it's so unwieldy, but you just learn to deal with it; we have HP for a reason and what we don't have is all day to single-target zombies with the Polaris. And, of course, Trojan and Vana utility.
Polaris has roughly no learning curve (although experience does get you taking better shots) and Blitz has a very high one.
I also carry an Umbra Driver down there for the slimes and because I don't have other weapons I want to use beyond Polaris and Blitz. Random people fairly regularly say "umbra driver here??" but whatevs, I like actually being able to kill flaming oilers.
"Working on getting a Nova Driver up at the moment, but I don't know how much use I'll find for it in FSC."
Hai Kal
out of a blitz, a silversix (so I cannot really give a full opinion of AP but I hear even when it goes 4* to 5* it is just terrible in comparison to two shots or 3 shot guns), and polaris, and a nova.
Nova driver is by far the most useful on killing the zombs because of split bullets and mobility to me > it deals insane AoE damage
Polaris is the best against the gun puppies there (which aren't that big of a deal) but also the best with its knockback against zombies for survivability. The only issue is that you need to not let zombies come into close range (if they do use charge attack) and that zombies were nerfed and not that big of a deal now > might just be best to kill them quicker with a Nova. Also, if you ever group, don't use polaris unless you pick off a single mob which is considerable less AoE damage than using Nova which your party will not care.
for those that aren't usually you get better mobility using an alchemer and all guns shoot > pause (or shield cancel which is seems like it is a little faster) > shoot > pause/shield cancel > etc. So you don't have to reload. If using a gun with a 3 clip then shoot twice before pausing.
Because of this, you should never get an AP because of mobility / easier use.
Volt Driver is great, as is Polaris. But most people heft a Blitz Needle down for Vana, but I find a ton of use for it in the rest of the stratum, when my DA just isnt working for the situation at hand.