Shock, fiends, undead that ended up having the Stygian Steeds chain... Is there some some sort of conspiracy to make stratum 6 as obnoxious as possible like there is for stratum 5 of the FSC gate, or is it just where everyone dumps all the minerals they don't want? ...if it's the latter, they really should get dumped into tier 1 instead.
Why is stratum 6 always so unpleasant?
...that's my point. It's not as random as it should be.
If you ever play a stratum 6 different from vanaduke, then congratulations you deserve a cookie.
Poison often brings concrete jungles, which are pretty easy.
Oh, and Juances, I'll take that cookie.
You'll see I have Gold Survivor but haven't beaten Vana yet.
I like poison in stratum 5, because it's quick and easy if that chain comes up, so I can farm recipes quickly if I need to. probably wouldn't be so great in 6, though, since the rewards wouldn't be great. Still, I'd be happy to see poison in stratum 6, but I don't. ...why did you even bring it up?
If you ever see Poison in S5 and Beast in S6, you know it's going to be a very happy week for me.
Gremlin in S5 is also acceptable, and possibly Jelly if there's no Scarlet Fortress.
I personally think it has more to do with stratum 6 being, y'know, the final stratum, and ostensibly the hardest levels in the game. I mean, Vanaduke is endgame content, and he's no cakewalk, but combining the highest difficulty with some random selection of levels and sometimes random disbursal of monsters, and you have a highly variable murderfest. Also, people build specialty gear for Vanaduke and not other levels~