I am thinking of starting a guild. I am a very active SK! But i always have the problem of hiving really inactive SK in the guilds i join.
So what do you guys think of a new guild name?
and hopefully that these names are not taken.
What is a good guild name?

Midnight Shooter.
Be a rival to Gunslinger Priests.

The Neurotic Degenerates. (stolen from a thread name)

Schwarz Kreuz
German for black cross.....
It sounded cool to me! D: Like... some kick-butt religious organization of assassin priests that you would see in an anime or something!
Zeldroid Zexia
(totally made these up randomly from my head)

Second Amendment
For those who don't know the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment guarantees the right to own guns.

I have an alt sitting on the name < ErraticTrollplay > , bids start at 2500Ce for proud ownership of this sophisticated guild name ^_^

Like Havre de vie.......not sure if I spelled that right.

Error Co.
Sharp Stuff
Missing Assignment
World of Keys
Clear Mist
Ground Zero
Counter Clockwise
Kings of Hearts
Dia Monde Inc.
La Espada
Peanut Gallery
Strikers' Blitz
Left Hand
Right Shoe
Creative Contraptions
Fake Out
Not Dangerous
The Neocolony
Haven Plumbing
Stranger Danger Rangers

"Second Amendment
For those who don't know the U.S. Constitution, the Second Amendment guarantees the right to own guns."
As much as I hate to be that guy... the Second Amendment says the following:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
Originally this was meant only to give members of a state-owned militia the right to take up arms in their state's defense (even against the national government if deemed necessary, see the US Civil War). It is commonly assumed that this also extends to an individual's right to own weapons, but in the article itself this is never clearly stated; in the last decade there have been two separate Supreme Court rulings each favoring a different side of the individual-may-bear-arms argument. Right now it seems up to a judge's discretion, but most people seem to accept that this encompasses individuals as well.
/APUSH-based rant
Anyways, I always like inside jokes as a basis for guilds. My friends an I plan to make a guild of our own, the name of which we will not share to make sure it stays available :P If all else fails, making reference to another game series is usually acceptable.

Okay, okay Lawyer-Solaire. Got it. Thanks for some info I can use in this week's APWH debate :D. How are my name ideas?

'I Can't Think of a Good Guild Name so I Petitioned the Forum for One'.
[ICTofaGGNsoIPtFfO, for short.]
[[Also Orangeo, nice idea!]]

I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with you, because my personal belief is that it should extend to individuals as well. But that aside, it just irks me when people say "the second amendment means we can have guns," because there's a lot more to it than that.
@Heavy Duty
I really like "Stranger Danger Rangers". Also for anyone who's ever seen the TV edit of Die Hard 3, "Melon Farmers" would be another great one. (Here's a hint: the FCC thought that "melon farmer" was an acceptable substitute for another, more vulgar m.f. phrase)
Christina Applegate