Greetings fellow Spiral Knights, I am Whitelancer, I believe many knights already knows me so enough of this crap :D
During my long journey in Cradle, at the times that the Coliseum Games was not yet released, I was hosting races around the fountain of Haven.
Racers gave me 200cr bets and the winner gets all of the crowns betted by all the racing knights. The champion of the races was Tersakoff <<<
Right now, I have seen some of Guild LockDown tournaments threads. And recently I taught up of an idea to host the first ever Individual Lockdown Tournament!
To make this I need some support and cooperation from contestants who wants to participate.
Im also planning on either holding these to
*Right now Im planning on letting 32 contestants enter and they will bet 10CE each, the winner will receive 320CE!
(Here is how the matches will occur!)
You guys are probably wondering how the battles will commence, this is the complicated part...
*First option is to either have the participants join a guild for them to be able to battle the other contestants.
We can use the guild Event Masters or Philippine Knights for this.
*Second Option is if you cant leave your guild for some reason like being the GM and you cant use an ALT cause of Steam or is just too lazy, I can ask my guildmates or friends to join your guild temporarily so that you can fight :)
(Here are the rules!)
1. It will be a 1vs1 battle, each battle will be decided with 5 duels, which means you have to kill your opponent 3 or more times.
2. You will only attack if you are told. I will be watching the matches and the rest of the players can either watch and promise not to interfere, or stay at the base.
3. If you ever attack without the signal or do something like cheating you will be disqualified!
4. Pay the bet before joining.
5. If your not online for maybe 3 days hence the start of the tournament, your match will be considered forfeit by you.
(Now for the support that you can give!)
*Im also planning on taking a video of the players matches, and post it on youtube! Which means I need a cameraman! :D
*This tournament will consume time and is a hard job for the cameraman so we need Sponsors!
urnaments 2 times every 3 months or just do one every season like Spring Tournament and Winter Tournament so 4 times a year.
What do you guys think?
I will list those who gave their bets here and are listed to be the contenders!
1. Milkman
2. Nodocchi
3. Musicsage
4. Octane
5. Timbalero
6. Chris
7. Canozo
8. Tennis
9. Kennys-Knight
10. Purple-Paladin
11. Thengel
12. Silversray
13. Pottim
14. Badworm
15. Xxishxx
16. Yfke
17. Coldness
18. Rajesh
19. Tetriatics
20. Jamoo
21. Statiicz
22. Pula
23. Bighondo
24. Zave
25. Mafiaso
26. Sushh
27. Sciasz
28. Playerx
29. Blackflamer
30. Fodow
31. Killbotxtreme
32. Soral
Elimination Rounds!
*First battle!
Sushh VS Music Sage
*Second Battle
Sciasz VS Rajesh
*Third Batlle
Mafiaso VS Playerx
*Fourth Battle
Soral VS Coldness
*Fifth Battle
Badworm VS Blackflamer
*Sixth Battle
Tetriatics VS Purple-Paladin
*Seventh Battle
Thengel VS Octane
*Eighth Battle
Tennis VS Bighondo
*Ninth Battle
Pula VS Milkman
*Tenth Battle
Silversray VS Zave
*Eleventh Battle
Pottim VS Xxishxx
*Twelfth Battle
Fodow VS Jamoo
*Thirteenth Battle
Canozo VS Yfke
*Fourteenth Battle
Timbalero VS Kilbotxtreme
*Fifteenth Battle
Kennys-Knight VS Nodocchi
*Sixteenth Battle
We will upload the videos soon our war cameraman Rgn-Vertigo is currently editing!
1st round winners!
We didn`t want to waste time because of the delay from the 8 remaining 1st round players so we have already started the 2nd round matches and had 1 match today!
*First battle
Badworm VS Silversray
*Second Battle
Canozo VS Nodocchi
*Third Battle
*Fourth Battle
*Fifth Battle
*Sixth Battle
*Seventh Battle
*Eighth Battle
(Contestants moving in to top 8!)
Third Battles!
1st match
Canozo VS Badworm
Contestants moving to top 4!
I think this is a really good idea :D The first ever LD Tournament >:) Can't wait!